This guy reversed engineer Wordle so he knows the answer to tomorrow's puzzle

Fair enough. I wonder if he will still play blindly in the future.


I was expecting it to be harder.

First I tried CRAP. Then I ruled out FUCK because it contained C and tried SHIT, which was far too obvious but would at least rule out some more letters – and then I won.

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Well, that makes me feel better. So far, I’d been at 4 guesses or less, but today it took five. I’m trying to avoid too much strategy like a series of words that eliminate the most letters possible, but am definitely finding that eliminating vowels is critical.

Wordle 207 5/6


ETA: The second line is me eliminating as many vowels as possible.


To each their own of course. I like Wordle, but I’m trying not to spam timelines with it. It’s a fun, relaxing, relatively easy way to get the morning going.


The first 2-3 guesses are usually me chasing vowels and eliminating letters. I am not thinking about what to do with those letters and where to put them until the 3-4 guesses.


I can’t decide if you did better or worse then I did today:

Wordle 207 6/6



Beat me to it!

I hopped over to Chrome’s sources view and searched for the current word of the day

Ah, yes. The modern day version of pulling the stickers off the Rubik’s Cube and sticking them back on proper like.


Exactly. I mean you can solve any wordle with grep and /usr/share/dict/words. It’s the activity of doing it in your brain that makes it interesting (for certain definitions of “interesting”)

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The game is “Wordle”, not “Wourdle”, right?

But I suppose the folks who are mad are the ones who like seeing that it’s hosted on a site.


Wordle 207

$ grep -h '^[a-z]\{5\}$' /usr/share/dict*/* | grep -v '[gimepkslb]' | grep '^.a[^r]or$' | sort -u | head -40

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Tomorrow’s wordle is:


ETA: not intended to be a reply to Gag Halfrunt, misclick on my part


I got today’s in three words but joke’s on me because when I try to paste the link in a comment, it looks like
Wordle 207 3/6


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Ok that changed a lot after clicking “reply”
Glad it didn’t reveal any words!

That looks like an odd game of Tetris, or something.



It kind of felt like an odd game of Tetris

Here’s a Latin version for people who are into that. (via Natalie Haynes on Twitter)


What did U ever do to them?

(Almost missed today for the same reason)

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To each his own. A lady I know does this. She thinks about eachword for ~30 seconds and then looks it up. I think it’s a kind of meditation :wink:

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Stealing the idea: meh. It’s an obvious idea. It even was a TV game on dutch television for years (helped me learn dutch as a german kid living close to the border, we watched a lot of dutch tv).

Stealing the name: that’s cheating.