His characterisation of tech workers as being out of touch with reality will surely endear him to his employees.
this is all especially confusing because he aspires to replace all truckers with self driving hyper chunnels, and - apparently - all agriculture workers with decepticons … so who does he think is going to have a job to go to anyway?
( oops. i said think. there’s my mistake. we’re talking about galaxy brain here )
Musk is a subject-matter expert on being out of touch with reality.
He claims that he’s homeless, but leases really nice places so that he can crash on his own couch.
I don’t think it’s denial anymore… It’s intentional
Elon Musk……born on third base and thinks he hit a hole in one.
Fuck that; let him crash and burn like a failed Tesla battery.
Isn’t that supposed to be the real message behind that meme?
He was promoting Atlas Shrugged as a book with keen insight, so…
You’ve probably seen it, but the fabulous Jill Bearup does a great breakdown of the fight:
And if you weren’t previously aware of Jill, I’m sorry. I’ve just sent you down a rabbit hole that’s as hard to get out of as the SCP Foundation or TV Tropes.
Jill Bearup? Just kill me now!
Wait! Bellingcat is psyops? Yikes. That’s news to me.
This interview cut like a knife. Beautifully done. Non-aggressive, just a simple question: why? Exposed for what he is: a smart asshole.
Oh dear.
Yeah, not a very insightful person at all, then. Which is kinda your point and mine, that the whooshing sound they year is the point going over their wee little heads.
Imma check this out in a bit.
Of course… because he’d be a much easier target if he resided at only one address. I’m sure he’s not so out of touch to be unaware of how much people – especially his own employees – already despise him.
For those able and willing to see that, yes. His fanboys, though, need help.
Just for starters, I would have asked him why exactly he didn’t want to "…make this a George Soros interview.” It at least would have been interesting to see how he would have slithered out from under that, given his ridiculous tweet. And I think Faber should have followed up here and there with precise questions.
Well, you’re half right.
We knew of several techs and engineers who jumped ship from my first employer Rocketdyne and joined SpaceX. A batch of them later returned with tales of woe, unpaid work, unsafe practices (all before Musk began sharing his most personal viewpoints)… and the general word on the actual morale (unfiltered, un-orchestrated i.e., sans the company cheerleader media-ready prep) was that his employees even back then hated him. Gotta cheer him though, with he being the type of boss that retaliates.
So true. The misquote is so revealing. The petulant fool sees himself as a righteous crusader for justice, seeking vengeance for grievous harms. Ofc, all entirely delusional. Remarkable parallels with incel entitlement.