This Is Fine

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Paredes-Kancab was also arrested in July for breaking windows at several businesses in Northeast Portland, as reported by The Oregonian/OregonLive. Police at the time described him as homeless.

According to police records, when they asked Paredes-Kancab why he destroyed windows, he said he wanted to go to jail because he was hungry and didn’t have a place to go.

Tent city plans for migrants in Chicago - who promotes them, who pays, and who profits? :woman_facepalming:t4: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

An even worse plan in NYC:


AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men

An entire generation? Dozens maybe.


" These young men are lonely, and it is having real consequences. They are choosing AI girlfriends over real women, meaning they don’t have relationships with real women, don’t marry them and then don’t have and raise babies with them. America desperately needs people to have more babies, but all the signs are pointing toward fewer relationships, fewer marriages and fewer babies. There have been 600,000 fewer births in 2023 in the U.S. relative to 15 years ago. The number of children per woman has decreased by more than 50 percent in the last 60 years."

Jesus christ more sexist bullshit. Relationships are hard. Games and parasocial relationships are easy. If we are raising a generation of men to be incapable of having a relationship with any real human that is a much deeper problem than women can fix with their bodies. This is not about making women breed. Women can’t fix this. People like this are also incapable of being fathers. We are raising people who are just looking to end the pain of loneliness through addiction in so many ways in this culture. And all people can say is “but women aren’t having enough babies.”

Besides what I see our capitalist moral values doing half the time is just killing babies anyway… want 'em to live just long enough to get chewed up in a logging machine or something I guess.


Not just sexist, but the phrasing in that feels racist to me as well. Maybe I’m being less than charitable in reading that as a “great replacement” dog whistle.


Yeah totally. Something definitely off about it. I’m just so tired of people looking at one narrowly dysfunctional segment of society and then just using it to justify the same old garbage against the same scapegoats.


Yes, which Americans are having babies does seem to be upsetting to the author.


Puzzled, I looked her up and see she is a frequent FN contributer if that means anything.

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So 60% of young men are single but only 30% of young women. That seems…odd. Are there that many more young men, or are that many more young women in relationships with older men, or one another? If the discrepancy is that gay women are better at finding partners than gay men, virtual girlfriends are probably the wrong thing to point to.

And yeah, I don’t know why America would need more babies specifically. If it needs more people for ecomonic reasons it can always let more in, with the added benefit of not needing to raise them for decades before they start working. But of course it could always make it easier to have kids by providing proper health care, education, real living wages and all that. Funny how the problem is always anything but that.


Sounds a lot like a “white” got left out of this one, don’t it?


Exactly. I feel her entire piece is a smokesreen hiding the real issues at hand. Not surprised at all that she got it up onto The Hill.


Do we though? Really?


We can’t even ensure the lives of the people who ARE having babies… FFS…


Yes. If only there were people seeking to become Americans. It’s a shame none of those exist… /s


We’ve got a Foreign Secretary right now lobbying to change the definition so that there won’t be.


Yeah that is the almost creepy subtext of this subtle kind of propaganda. Like you never see them talking about how ensuring safe pregnancies through a federal program or something would keep babies from dying and thus increase the population.

The whole undercurrent of the idea is so dishonest. Privilege is not the same thing has happiness. Privileged people can be miserable. Life is unfair like that and kind of ironic and mean if I ascribe intent to it. If privileged white women are looking at the future they envision for their children or themselves as mothers here and thinking “nah… that’s not something I want to do…” perhaps this is a symptom of a deeper problem. If they want to do it but find it too hard, if they just give up and decide not to. That is definitely a symptom of a deeper problem. And really, who is to say they are wrong even? As long as some one makes their peace with their decision [to have a child or not] I don’t see how they can be said to have been wrong individually unless the underlying implication is that they don’t own their own bodies at all and that thought chills me. Because I’m fairly certain that is exactly the kind of full-on eugenicist crap some of these people actually want to experiment with and it’s just inherently disturbing to see it go mainstream like this really. Perhaps this naive reaction is what is left of my youth leaving my mind!


As would so many of the OTHER programs that they hate (welfare programs, free education through a bachelors degree, free day care, fully funding ALL public schools, single-payer healthcare, rent controls, food programs, the state taking misogyny seriously in all it’s forms, ending racism, ending LGBQT+ discrimination, etc). There are certainly tons of people who would love to have kids, but have decided that they can’t afford it or are not in a good place to raise kids…


Pop Tv Yes GIF by Schitt's Creek

Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette

Seriously, I think far too many people thought this was a dragon we’d slayed… Scientific racism and eugenics are directly linked to the holocaust, FFS, not to mention all manner of other nastiness in our not too distance history… and people want to dredge this shit up AGAIN, after it’s been entirely debunked!

Angry Denzel Washington GIF

It’s not naive at all… it’s just what is happening with this kind of thing. Whenever people start clutching their pearls and wringing their hands over birthrates, then you know there is something sinister at play… there are 8 billion people on this rock we call a planet… We’re doing just fine. We, in fact, need to figure out ways to fully support all 8 billion souls that are already here…


Wow. She goes from AI girlfriend to men’s loneliness being a problem to not enough women having babies

In 1940, there were 42 workers per beneficiary of Social Security. Today, there are only 2.8 workers per beneficiary, and that number is getting smaller

If she’s so worried about funding social security or Medicare, babies are not the way to solve that problem. Even the ones born today won’t start contributing until at least 16, unless the GOP succeeds in rolling back child labor laws. Immigration isn’t either, though more working adults might help social security. What can work? How about some tax reform! Then we could pay back all the money “borrowed” from social security coffers and fund all the nice stuff.

Men’s loneliness is an issue, and it is rooted in the way men are socialized, in the US and elsewhere. @wazroth had a link to an interesting substack on the issue. Toxic Masculinity: Dude, where are my emotions? - #224 by wazroth