This Is Fine

Just a little fender bender. Move along. Prob some crazed antifa person. /s


Nearly 200 swatting incidents and bomb threats directed at Jewish facilities over weekend

The Secure Community Network, the organization officially tasked with guaranteeing the security and safety of American Jews, said it tracked what it described as a “staggering” 199 swatting incidents and false bomb threats across the United States over the weekend targeting Jewish facilities – including 93 in California, 62 in Arizona, 15 in Connecticut, five in Colorado, and four in Washington state.

“The alarming volume of swatting incidents and false bomb threats being carried out across the country is a major concern for the safety and security of the Jewish community in North America, as well as law enforcement,” said SCN National Director and CEO Michael Masters. “SCN community partners, law enforcement, and public safety agencies take these incidents seriously and are working hard to address them. It’s critical to recognize that these are not victimless crimes or innocent pranks. They can have real – and even deadly – consequences.”

Masters noted that in the past few days, law enforcement officials in Ohio and California had made arrests in connection with several earlier swatting incidents and false bomb threats. All these incidents had taken place since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

“We appreciate the arrests made to date, recognizing that the often sophisticated and anonymous nature of this activity makes these threats difficult to mitigate,” he said. “We will continue to work closely with our partners to address this trend, which requires ongoing vigilance, preparation, and communication.”

In a statement, SCN said it had tracked more than 449 swatting incidents and bomb threats in 2023-to-date, compared with 83 incidents in all of 2022, and only 23 between 2019-2021.

Since the Hamas attack, SCN has logged record highs in security incidents and antisemitic activity, with 772 incidents registered in October and 634 in November, up 290 percent from the year prior. These incidents included vandalism, harassment and assault. In October and November alone, SCN referred 230 alleged perpetrators to the police. via Haaretz

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Wait until Marge finds out about this in her back yard. “Why is my phone not working?”


Space lasers, duh!


It was odd to see our older model Honda CR/V on the streets in Auckland :new_zealand:. In :canada: it looks quite modest, in :new_zealand: it was one of the larger cars on the road.

You couldn’t get a Ford F-150 into most of the parking garages in Auckland, if you even make it downtown at all.

It’s not clear to me that taxes are the way forward, higher taxes hit the farmers and businesses that actually need the trucks; making exceptions makes admin work and loopholes.

I suspect that insurance-related pressure connected to driving them in the city might be the answer, maybe more assignment of fault to the oversized SUV driver in collisions, or maybe higher penalties for speeding etc.

That last item brings some enforcement requirements, for which our local constabulary has displayed… variable enthusiasm.


Check This Out GIF


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This is a shock to absolutely no one who is involved in healthcare. Private equity firms are all about profit, and the way to maximize profit is to see maximum patients with minimum staff. Nurses and CNAs are overcommitted, understaffed and, of course, underpaid. This inherently and unavoidably compromises patient care. As was explained to me at one time, “We cannot staff for the maximum patient load, we need to staff for the minimal and adjust as we are able.” When I pointed out that we had been at maximum capacity for weeks and had not adjusted the staffing at all, I was told that this was above the paygrade of the person I was talking to. I know I seem to repeat myself on this, but


Most especially in an institution that is, in theory, a community hospital. However, it was taken over by a large healthcare consortium several years back, and has been on an efficiency kick ever since. The first move was to close down the peds floor and get rid of all the pediatric nurses. They were “not an efficient use of nursing salaries.” It got worse from there. A large chunk of why we are a UVA practice now.


I just came across this issue today. From this video. One of the private equity firms that’s big into healthcare right now is literally the same one that killed Toys R Us.


John Oliver covers why freight trains have become so dangerous for workers, commuters, and communities:


The average liter of bottled water has nearly a quarter million invisible pieces of ever so tiny nanoplastics, detected and categorized for the first time by a microscope using dual lasers.


We insist on continuing our effort to make our one and only world incompatible with human life. I begin to wonder if there is a way to come back from this.


:thinking: Humans adapt to so much - maybe that plastic will wind up serving as a sort of preservative…

Katherine Helmond Brazil GIF
…or increase flexibility:

The Incredibles Disney GIF




Or, well… Maybe not.


It’s horrifying.


A text version of the same story is here:

No admission of wrongdoing…

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Climate change is real.