This Is Fine

Not in FL it’s not. That term has been banned! It’s just unfortunate that DeMoron can’t ban the weather as easily.


He really needs to up his sharpie game if he aspires to become King of the MAGAts.


This Is Fine GIF


Unpossible. Bidenomics got the economy BOOMING now!




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Eh, wage growth is exceeding inflation, which is a good thing. Unemployment is down across the board. It’s far from perfect, but it is an improvement. It is very important to the fascists to maintain the illusion that Biden’s economic policy has been a disaster, when in fact, it has actually seen an improvement for most working folk. His support of unions has been a breath of fresh air, and infuriated the MAGAts. By most measures, yeah, it is doing very well.


So “the rising number of people who live in cars or RVs,” and the rising number of unhoused people should just wait for a rising tide that will lift all boats? Or maybe it’s the trickle-down wealth coming any day now that they should be waiting for?

Sorry but if so, that all sounds too familiar (that is, Reaganesque) to me.

Yes we know that in a lot of ways the economy is doing better, stonks are rising again and so on, but Joe “Hey I’m a capitalist who has no problems with billionaires!” Biden isn’t shouting about (finally!) increasing the federal minimum wage, bor about how megacorps are buying up homes and increasing rents, nor about much else that’s still grinding down the lives of a lot of still-neglected people.

And part of what I’m saying is, he’s shooting himself in the foot politically by failing to at least come across as a president who genuinely wants to reverse the steady decline in the standard of living for poor and hourly wage earning folks in the U.S. that’s been going on for decades.

I know we’re supposed to be Team Biden here and overlook or downplay his deficits, but I hope it’s okay not to at least do so in this This Is Fine thread. Yes, he’s better than Tromp, but I don’t think that means since he’s doing some good things we should shrug off the bad things. He’s a corporate-funded neoliberal New Democrat, and I think more of us could eventually be better off if we keep that in mind.


As I have pointed out elsewhere across this site, the problem is more that the corporate-owned, drama/click-driven mainstream media is shooting Biden - in the foot, the back, and the face. Those billionaire-controlled outlets don’t care about the public or democracy. They don’t cover the multiple efforts made by the administration to make them pay their fair share, stop gouging or profiteering, and prevent exploiting of loopholes to increase political power/influence.

However, they spend a lot of time following the right-wing media’s playbook. No matter how much good is done, they promote outrage. Nothing is ever enough, no policy is perfect, and blame is easily assigned - even for things it’s clear are not under the singular, direct control of any POTUS. It boggles my mind that the same folks screaming about the illegality of 45’s wild claims he’d use absolute power are pissed at Biden for not using absolute power to solve major issues. :woman_shrugging:t4:


And if they weren’t doing that, everything would be fine, because Biden is an angel? I dont think so.

Yes, we know that corporate media bias is A problem, but your response to my comment completely ignores the problems (with corporate capitalist Biden) that I tried to articulate. :person_shrugging:

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Disagree. He is a centrist Dem and always has been. In fact, he has governed farther left that I ever expected. And no, he is far from perfect, I would much rather he were more vocally progressive than he is. Suspect many here would have preferred someone else, far more leftward than him. But the fact remains that his policies have helped the middle and working class far more than previous administrations in recent memory. It could be far better, granted, but it is a significant improvement on what has come before. I guess my worry is that focusing on how much Biden sucks plays into demotivational trends in the left-leaning populace. He’s not ideal, in fact he is far from it. But under his policies, the country has moved in the proper direction for the first time in a while.


Clearly not a conversation worth having. I will bow out now. I’m not feeling like arguing this topic.


That number rose in 2008 and in 2020. Current numbers I’ve seen say that is reversing. And it isn’t a matter of waiting for charity - states and munincipalities are actively reversing it. But like all policy, it takes time. For example, when Oregon funded housing solutions starting in 2020, it took 2-3 years to deploy them. They exceeded the legislation’s goals for shelter beds, rehousing, and eviction prevention. But what gets reported is how bad homelessness is in Portland, even though it is demonstratably getting better and actual government resources are being utilized to nake that so.

Except he IS shouting it from the rooftops! He talks about inequality and how insane it is. He talks about how maddening it is for everyday working people to pay more taxes than billionaires. He’s directed federal agencies to go after tax cheats (both individuals and corporations), to go after anti-competitive practices, and to go after companies who abuse and defraud consumers and workers. And they’ve taken action to do so.

We aren’t and we shouldn’t be. And yes, we should absolutely criticize him and his administration for what they’ve done wrong. But it has to actually be something they’ve done and it actually has to be wrong. It also has to be something they have control or influence over. That’s where I think we end up having conversations about perception vs reality.


Thanks for the details, I hope you’re right!

It is tempting to blame skyrocketing rents and record homelessness on powerful others who want to see Biden fail (or just want to keep getting richer). And tempting also to think Biden’s beliefs really have significantly changed from those of his younger days. (I’m old enough to remember bitterly his rousing denunciation of Anita Hill when she tried to warn us about Clarence Thomas.) I can only hope he’s been listening to and working with AOC, Sanders, Warren and the like to counter corporate capture of US politics. :crossed_fingers:


These are massive systemic problems tied up in the (erroneous, in my opinion) idea that landlords deserve high year-over-year increases in income (and thus high year-over-year increases in rent). I remember in the 90s many people telling young professional me to invest in rental properties because of the high income growth. It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now. It’s simply unsustainable, both in terms of the economy and of society.


“The optimist proclaims that we live
in the best of all possible worlds;
and the pessimist fears this is true.”


Holy crap, this whole entire thread:


“To review: Boeing built a plane that was difficult to fly, then added software that autocorrects these difficulties, but decided that if that software fails, the pilot should save the day by figuring out how to fly the difficult-to-fly plane.”

They didn’t even tell the pilots about the software.

The pilot of the first crashed 737 Max spent his final minutes “paging through the pilot manual, trying to determine what was going wrong. This was futile; any mention of MCAS had been removed.”

The US is a uniquely dangerous place to live, among wealthy nations. One in 24 Americans will die by accident - a 40% higher rate than Norway, the next most dangerous.

It’s especially dangerous if you’re already marginalized. As Singer writes, “whether or not you die by accident is just a measure of your power, or lack of it”


Holy carp indeed. I never want to fly again! :sob:


I hear ya. Same same.

Is there a way to find out what kind of aircraft/plane is going to be working the exact flight that I book online?

Oh wait–maybe all the newer craft are all compromised, just some more than others…