This is one lucky, lucky strike

Originally published at:


Zen bowling.


There are a while lot of Zen and the art of … books that have yet to be written. Someone could be sitting on a potential gold mine. With our suburban mindfulness obsession, it could be the new Chicken Soup for the … Soul.


Still scores just 10.


If only he’d said “hold my beer and watch this”.


This is why Candlepin is so much more fun and challenging than Tenpin.


Because a drunk dude can’t get a one-in-a-50,000 strike in Candelpin? That seems like a bug, not a feature.


When I bowl, any strike is lucky.


“It’s toasted”


L. S./ M. F. T.

(Yes, that is a complete sentence)


Luck? I’m just that awesome.

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Never tell me the odds!


And yet again, vertical video format is significantly sub-optimal. I’m losing this battle, though. My sons watch 95% of video on their phones. And it is ALL formatted vertically. They also listen to music through the tiny speakers on their phones. This hurts my ears.


You know what? The action tool place in a vertical space. And when I watch this on my phone, YouTube is now smart enough to take up the entire vertical space.

I feel like this argument made sense at one point (when vertical was always letterboxed) but is making less sense as time goes on.

Do you think vertical paintings are worse than landscape?


No, static images are best displayed in the appropriate format, either vertical or horizontal.

The video was not shot in a “vertical space”, hence the panning back and forth, and the useless inclusion of ceiling etc in the frame. OK, you watched it on your phone. If it was shot in landscape mode, you would simply have had to turn your phone sideways. Hardly a stretch.

Vertical must always be letter-boxed or simply cropped if it is to “fill” a horizontal display like a TV, computer monitor or cinema screen. There can be no other option (well, stretching, but who needs that?).

As I said, this battle is essentially lost. Amateur video is now predominantly portrait-orientated, and we’re all worse off for it. But there’s no going back. I give up. Only a matter of time before we up-end our TVs and cinemas re-orientate their screens, I guess.



What do you suppose is going to happen when they put a camera in an Apple Watch? Or maybe a pen camera?

Why didn’t they make phones so they just shoot in a format, regardless of how you are holding your phone? Or a setting that lets you set how you would like to shoot, regardless of how you are holding it? Like 16:9, or 2:1 (which is fashionable now…some ‘dearly’ missed having at least ‘some’ black lines on the top and bottom. I guess it makes it look important?).

That way, if someone wants to hold their phone vertically, more power to them. The can put in the middle what they are looking at, but we end up getting ‘all’ the environment on the left and right of what they are point at so it fills up whatever format they have selected.

Like a reverse 4x3 framing thing (not sure what they call it). If you look at videos of people shooting TV from ‘the in-between’ (as we were transitioning from 4x3 to 16x9), you’d see they’d have the center 4x3 space blocked out, so they could ensure they got the actors in a scene inside that little box, so it would still look good on 4x3, but those of us with 16x9 could enjoy a full scene (instead of blurred out left and right extended who-ha like we see in this video). The reverse would simply be: Hold your phone vertically, see what you are shooting, but realize there’s all sorts of other stuff to the left and right that is going to get shot whether you see it or not! Imagine how amazed you’ll be when you get home to watch that recital of your 7 year old you filmed! If you weren’t staring at your camera, you could have been seeing all that, and more! :rofl:

My 2 cents.

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Needs more tongue.

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Zen and the art of chicken soup.
Chicken soup for the Zen soul.

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I see wut u did der!

In retrospect, I’d put the odds at roughly 100%…