This is what happens when you fill a car's gas tank with Coke

Pointless buffoonery. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

At $1.49 per 2L bottle, Coke is even more expensive per gallon than gasoline. In follow-up vidiocies why not try Dom Perignon and printer ink?


That thumbnail is a nightmare


Where the hell do you live where gas is that cheap?

Edit: Misread your post lol, i getcha.


Thirty years ago my father had a Fiat car with a 2500 cc engine. I remember that there was a special fuel filter that was made especially to catch the water in the diesel fuel. Some gas stations deliberately put some water in the diesel fuel tanks to sell water as fuel.
If I remeber correcty there was a water sensor iside the cup that switched off the fuel pump if detected water. So it’s possible that the engine stalled simply because the sensor detectet the presence of watery things.


We’ll put the sugar in the tank of the sheriff’s car
We’ll slash the deputy’s tires
They won’t get very far
When they finally get the word that there’s been a hold-up
Uh huh


“We can hear some noise”
“Probably the carbonation”

Yeah… sure…


Weird, this is the second time on tow totally unrelated threads on separate sites that this song has come up as link.

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Now show us what happens when you replace your Coke with gasoline? Is it just as refreshing?


With every TechRax video I ever saw my reaction is usually “Yeah, that was my exact expectations of what would happen.”

Oh? Cook an iphone with crayons? Huh, you now have a non-working phone covered in wax?

Yeah, nothing surprising with the results.

I used to think things like “will it blend” were at least amusing but have come to realize it’s not just lowest common denominator stuff it’s “ryandian” libertarian thought come to it’s logical conclusion.
“It’s mine so I’ll destroy it if I want” is fine when you’re a 3 year old building block forts it’s a lot more problematic when destroying something of worth in a world of privation and want.


What a dick!

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The video really missed a chance to do something slightly cooler. I knew it would kill the engine, but hoped to see the results of that, either in the engine or tank.

This man is, like, rilly smart.

Or try Brawndo!


Since putting sugar in a gas tank to destroy an engine is a well known trick used by saboteurs and general bastards (the FBI used to do that to activists in the '50s/'60s, allegedly), it’s pretty clear what’s going to happen. What next - “This is what happens when you fill a car’s interior with gas and then light a match”?


Don’t give them ideas :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, that one might be relatively surprising - and more entertaining to watch.

Just like you’d freak out if, say, your tear ducts became full of urine or blood

Thanks for that new phobia,

These videos and the people that make them need to be introduced to what happens when you fill a bottle of coke with what goes in a car’s gas tank.