Originally published at: This man took 25 hits of Molly (MDMA) every day for four years | Boing Boing
Fuck me. The poor bastard. He should have had help many years ago.
From the case report:
There was so much ecstasy in his system that he was high “for a few months” after he quit.
Good lord.
An extreme and sad case in general, however…
When he toned the weed down it "led to both the disappearance of his paranoid ideas and hallucinations and a reduction of his panic attacks". But the other symptoms remained…
…that sure seems the smallest end of the stick to call out specifically.
May be the one they can identify most clearly.
Nobody could have known…
HOW? After two days of Burning Man I had no serotonin left and couldn’t get high if I wanted to!
I think I met this guy in college.
It is also confirmed here that selective impairments of neuropsychological performance associated with regular ecstasy use are not reversed by prolonged abstinence
This seems to me to be a conclusion that assumes quite a bit.
Clearly it was doing something for him, as well as to him. We don’t really understand all the finer points of how MDMA does what it does. I’ve known people who claim that their ability to enjoy MDMA is completely gone (at normal party doses). As far as I know, they aren’t suffering in their daily lives. Could they take a larger dose and feel something? I don’t know, and they’re too smart to try.
That seems like A LOT of ecstasy. Was this guy independently wealthy? How could you function to hold a job to be able to afford that much?
Also - obligatory:
What was he like before he started drug use (including alcohol if he did)? Symptoms sound very similar to bad ADHD which might explain his need to be high?
He might have been selling them.
There is a chapter in one of Oliver Sacks books called “The Lost Mariner” about a former US Navy sailor who after WW2 developed extreme alcoholism, to the point that (like “Mr.A”) his short term memory was gone. In his case his memory just stopped sometime in the late 1940’s after being discharged. He couldn’t make new memories, and he lost the last 30 years. Put him in front of a mirror and he’d freak out: “who is this old man??!!” But take him away from the mirror and show him how the apple trees were in bloom and the nightmare of a minute earlier would fade away. He could only live in the moment.
So I think any very extreme substance abuse may do the same thing; some of the weed aficionados I know who have smoked every day since they were teenagers show some curious memory lapses (nothing this advanced, thankfully). Anecdotal but something to consider.
Maybe he’s a DJ?
How long ago was high school? Without the weed use I am still managing to suffer significant “curious memory lapses” 40 years later
What on earth is a “hit” of MDMA? Threshold is typically 50 mg. Is that a “hit?”
If someone is taking pressed pills of “ecstasy” they are probably getting methamphetamine and other crap, not MDMA.
This is very hard to believe.
In my days (so I hear from others, allegedly) it was 100mg (powder in a capsule), but who knows what the purity was (it was tested, so not adulterated with other drugs, but who knows that it was cut with)
I can tell you for sure that the capsule I had before it was illegal (given to us by the mom of a friend, who got them from her shrink!) were more potent than anything after that
ETA: Additional, completely made up imaginary detail that definitely never happened
The case study uses estimated consumption of “tablets” when the subject was between 21 and 30 years old. The self-reporting took place when Mr. A was 37, and one of the primary issues he was facing was memory loss. This is all very, very ball park stuff.