There is an intersection in front of the bridge. You can’t assume that every oversize truck driving towards the bridge is going to drive under it.
I wish they’d do “exit interviews” of the drivers after they’ve un-wedged their trucks. Questions like: “the 12’8” signs, the big flashing sign, etc. Did those even register with your brain in any way at all?
I’m sure the answer is something like “No, I didn’t notice those.” Plain and simple. Humans are funny.
I get the feeling the Can Opener hasn’t had its fill yet. 12’4" isn’t actually that much higher, and there are a lot of semis, box trucks, and RVs that are taller than that.
True, but enough do to keep us entertained with videos of roofs being peeled off of trucks.
Um, it has. When an overheight truck is approaching the Can Opener, the light turns red and stays red for a minute, to make the truck driver look at the sign that says “OVERHEIGHT MUST TURN” for a full minute.
Obviously, some people still don’t buy a vowel and solve the puzzle…
Were there any dashcam videos from the victims’ trucks, with audio? (Or perpetrators, some would say.)
As much as I enjoy these videos, it must be absolutely maddening to be one of the people who needs to drive that way regularly watching trucks get stuck and fuck up the traffic. I’m very sure I’d be in my car screaming “TURN LEFT ASSHOLE YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FIT!”
The good news is that this isn’t the only 11’8 bridge in Durham. There’s another one right off the Durham freeway: I hope that gets a camera next
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