This new "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" trailer looks fantastic

Originally published at: This new "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" trailer looks fantastic | Boing Boing


If you were as discreditably as inattentive as me [finger-wag] to all the fast action of all the previous films you might wonder at a Thanos killed now restored/alive Gamora in this trailer. Neverfear!: alternate time-line Gamora was shunted in via the film Endgame (“so this is Gamora C-138?” no!! those are alternate dimensions, we’re talking alternate time-lines here, sheesh!) As to what alternate time-line Gamora might have experienced in relative to now perished non-alternate time-line Gamora that’s left to “A Wizard Did It” contemplation. There. worth every quatloo you paid for it.


It explains all the UFO sightings.


They are gathering…


I was trying to figure out why the High Evolutionary looked so crazy familiar and then it finally clicked that it was Chukwudi Iwuji (yes I had to google that) who played the absolute hell out of his character in Peacemaker.


Yeah. He was terrific. It was a great character.


These viral campaigns are going too far these days.


Basically comic book movies have reached the point where it’s almost as tricky to keep track of what all the characters have been up to as it is in the comic books themselves. Oh, Tony Stark was an A.I. for a while? Thor was actually replaced with a robot during the “Civil War” storyline and nobody noticed? Spider-Man’s body is actually inhabited by Doc Ock’s mind pattern? Whatever, just roll with it and don’t sweat the details.


aside from my fears that they are all going to die in a blaze of glory, the biggest surprise to me was that i somehow never knew that “Since You’ve Been Gone” was a Rainbow song. I always thought it was some one-hit wonder band.

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I had forgotten the second episode in the series.

Just in case anyone doesn’t actively read comics, all of what @brainspore listed 100% happened in the comics. And depending on the writer, it comes up now and again. The robot Thor, which became renamed as Ragnarok because of course it did, had this randomly dropped retcon of the hammer at one point. The Tony Stark AI is either completely ignored or 100% the story it seems, and has even been side-conned a few times (he wasn’t really an AI, just a free floating consciousness or something).

The Spider-Man/Doc Ock thing was panned initially but had generally really strong writing. The book became one of the top sellers because of it. I mean, it required superhuman levels of suspension of disbelief for the story but once you got past that, it was a really interesting dive into what makes two characters tick. And the end was a great redemption for one of the characters…which of course was tossed out the window less than 6 months later.

Personally, I’m glad that the comic book movies are just as silly. I don’t want reality. I live in reality. I don’t want it in my TV, my movies, or my books. I want just enough to ground me and then fly my head off into fantasy. Tell me about the marvelous fantastic world of tomorrow where disease is forgotten, or where disease is the norm and a healthy person is some sort of pariah. Where when someone say they flew somewhere you need to check if they have a cape tucked someplace. Where I can put a ring on and make a giant fist and where two teen kids can bump hands and turn into animals and water-based items.


Thank you. People take them waaaay too seriously. “They’re destroying film!” “Hollywood is out of ideas!”

Blerg. Just enjoy them if you enjoy them and ignore them if you don’t. No one needs you pooping all over the lighthearted time-wasters they enjoy (not you, @evadrepus; all the sourpusses).


I’m so looking forward to this!


wait. she died?!

seriously, i cant remember back that far. i know the middle-aged white guy who acts like a spoiled teenager and flies around in a metal suit ( never getting mistaken for a chinese balloon ), i know he died, oh: and that russian spy died ( who, please, should never have been mistaken for a japanese spy ) - but that’s as much as ive got.

apparently the song comes with rainbow spacesuits too. very imac. much trendy

( the movie does look nice and action packed. and i’m okay that this particular group is goofy. it works for them )


She died to get one of the gems for Thanos’ class ring - you had to sacrifice something you loved for this gem and since he wasn’t giving up any of his sweet pogs or MTG cards, she had to die. Spoiler - Black Widow died the same way in the next movie.

Then in the next movie, time travel/alternate universe stuff happens (a little of column A, a little of column B) and the Gamora from juuuuuust before the first Guardians movie is introduced.

Edit - on the silly side of Marvel, the Christmas Special was all sorts of silly. The plot was paper thin, the special effects a bit dodgy (for Disney) and even the acting felt a little off but it was spot on for how I remember Christmas special shows from my youth.

It also had two absolute bangers from some group called Old 97’s. While the first one has a great pop beat and is funny ('Mrs. Claus she works the pole…"), here’s Kevin Bacon singing what is likely a new classic Christmas song like he does in the show.


I’m happy they are doing Halfworld. OMG.

that sounds more familiar now, thanks! maybe because she came back, i forgot it.

and yeah, i think i would have given chocolate. what with the lead and all, it seems an easy win.( but i guess it’s not officially a comic unless a woman is getting fridged because man things. :person_shrugging: )

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They undid the whole snap thing. WTF, when did that happen?

They undid it in as much as they brought everyone back, but it still happened. A bunch of the movies and TV shows post-Endgame have been about the fallout from it and Infinity War, like Falcon and winter Soldier is based around people who are rejecting the “return to normal” after everyone’s back, and in Hawkeye you see Yelena get snapped away in her home and then returned to the exact same spot 5 years later - and different people are living there now.

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