This shady Police news website uses openly fascist logos and is run by a cop from a town of 86 billionaires

They will cause deaths. No doubt about that. Without the pandemic they cause death and disruption but pay no price themselves. Unfortunately there is virtually no cost to their racism in normal circumstances. Racism is learned from others. By in large they learn it from their parents.
The likelihood of racists ever changing is very small. Their own actions during the pandemic can and will put cost to their actions. I used to think racists could be taught the error of their ways. I thought our society was becoming less racist. It seemed to me we were maturing. Unfortunately racists were just keeping a low profile.
This openly racist president and the racists he’s surrounded himself with just brought them out of the woodwork. Racists revealing themselves has started costing themselves jobs and money. The pandemic now takes their lives too. I cheer them on as they rush lemming like over a cliff. At least it helps thin the racist herd.

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No. It is not worth the cost. The people who are the most at risk, most vulnerable, are dying in higher numbers are the very people who are victims of racism in America.

So, we get this fucking pandemic under control despite Trump and his supporters, because it’s the right thing to do. Other wise, we’re just killing off the same people Trump WANTS to kill off.


Both the US and Fascist Italy ‘borrowed’ the fasces from ancient Rome (who took it from the etruscans), a bad thing about the logo is the first one has a typo… in unity there is stength (there’s even a hashtag if you search for it :smiley: )


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