This trailer for Jim Henson Idea Man made me cry

Henson’s death hit hard for me because I was born in '66 and it was like every new project was just right for whatever age I was at the time. Sesame Street as a little kid, Muppet Show and Muppet Movie as a middle schooler, Dark Crystal, Fraggle Rock and Labyrinth in high school / college.

I can’t believe he’s been gone that long and that I’m now older that he was when he passed away.


I was in high school when Jim Henson died; like so many others here did, I cried when I heard the news. I’m another one who grew up watching Sesame Street and the Muppet Show, Jim Henson’s Storyteller and Fraggle Rock. As young as I was then, I knew the world had lost someone very special when he passed, someone who used his skill and creativity to give back to others, especially children, and I mourned that loss. A part of me still does… but I still treasure what he left behind for us.


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