That’s 6ºC not ºF in a country with average summer temperatures of 10ºC so pretty balmy if you’re a local. The clothing brand 66ºNorth had an advert that made me laugh a couple of years ago “Just north of Summer”.
I wasn’t built to live above the 49th parallel. Must be a homeostatic temperature thing.
I’m all for happy naked people! Good on them for producing this.
Move up north (or very south) and you will eventually acclimatize. Might take some year though.
I’m afraid to live below the 49th Parallel.
I mean, North America-wise I don’t blame you one bit. I could probably enjoy living in BC with that Pacific warmth.
We’re into Autumn right now - rain, fog, heavy overcast and sunshine (that just popped out as I’m typing).
Kiddohs end of school year thing was last night. There were … about 1,500 people there rammed in shoulder to shoulder, aged from young kids through to grandparents. I didn’t see a single mask. I also didn’t see any hint of anxiety or that this was maybe unsafe. Because it wasn’t.
Elimination is possible, and pays dividends.
Just one word: Shrinkage!
Leave no trace skid-marks.
You should see the clubbing folk of Reykjavík. That doesn’t stop them.
And without helmets either. Irresponsible.
This made me very happy and wistful.
And one phone was on their wrist; maybe this phone company is also smart enough to manage phone shrinkage as well.
I’m all for people not giving a rat’s ass about other people’s asses (or what’s in their pants).
But… I’ve seen people do some really deep scratching in the produce dept of a supermarket, and immediately changed the evening’s menu to use something not touched by Mr. “had to adjust” or Mr. “Why is my B-hole itchy?”… I don’t need people without pants in a place with food.
… and the woman on the bicycle wasn’t wearing a helmet! I’m all for body freedom, but you have to be sensible!
Sounds fine. 6c is still shorts weather in the Midwestern US, at least if the sun’s out.
Soon “wardrobe malfunction” will mean accidentally leaving clothing on!
I was at first sort of Barf! but then, I began to see their point. Especially when they showed the nude dancer. And the old folks in the swimming pool-I heard that Mr. Rogers swam naked. Mr. Rogers. Ring the respect bell. I do not feel that anyone in particular wants to see me nekkid, but I kind of can get the whole nudist movement thing.
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