Thomas Piketty turns down the Legion of Honor

Wandering OT, here, but I was always disappointed that the Canadian $2 coin got named the “Twonie.” I wanted to call it the “DoubLoon” :smile:

Back sort of on-topic, I sure wish my gov’t (Washington DC Fed) would re-name a bunch of buildings which currently are named after vicious sociopaths (J Edgar Hoover), people who comitted treason (R. Reagan), and the like.

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Sadly, both JEH and RR have ascended to the level of deity and are, literally, above reproach.


This might be quibbling; but I’d argue that JEH has sunk below reproach, in the sense that nobody ever offers a serious argument, or even a vague hagiographical outline, about why he wasn’t a despicable human being; but it has somehow become entirely accepted that he is still A Respectable Figure, and even pointing out the best supported of facts about him is considered atrocious taste. Not ‘wrong’, or ‘inaccurate’, or ‘partisan’, just such bad taste that we don’t do that.

RR, though, has gone straight in the other direction. The guy is treated like some sort of saint and explicitly praised, even on matters where the praise is directly contradictory to the facts.


Mate, your coins and mine have got the face of the Queen on them, and if she’s not a slave owning rapist and genocidal maniac then I’ll eat my hat.


See? It IS good to be rich!

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