Thoughtful, devastating critique of Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life"


Toldja I would.



Ah yes, that canard again. Addressing a charlatan’s ideas for the mendacious bullshit they are is a “viscious takedown” of the man himself. Once again, Peterson is portrayed as a victim, and attention is diverted from the successful exposure of his fallacious ideas.

It was a hit piece, yes, but all charlatans should be subjected to hit pieces that reveal the money-seeking bullshit that is their “ideas.”


Welcome to BoingBoing!

Read the article. Actually LOL’d at parts. Deeply unimpressive.


As did a reply or two of mine.

To reiterate:

Again, I didn’t care about dude “before it was cool.”

As it stands now, I wish I had a TARDIS just so I could travel back in time to a week ago, when I didn’t know he even existed.


Man, out of the blue some random guy tweets me a picture of Jordan Peterson’s with the caption of “Clean your room”

I had to do a reverse image search to realize who the hell that was and tie it to this.

Seriously? I didn’t know much about this person yesterday and now he it popping up in places I didn’t expect.

Also, I do keep my room clean thank you very much. The only think out of control in my life is joint pain and so far pot is helping take care of that shit.


Odd. First time for me… I guess we crossed an invisible line.



Just like Jack Burton:


I’m afraid you’ve gotten hold of a mistaken impression of what toxic masculinity is. “Toxic masculonity” refers to a toxic version of masculinity.
Would you agree that our society sends the message to men that to be masculine is to be aggressive, to be passive is weak (hence feminine)? We teach* our sons (mostly without realizing) that it’s somehow wrong to be emotional or to cry. “What are you? A sissy?” We teach both boys and girls that “boys will be boys” and that nearly any offense that a boy visits upon others (especially girls) will be excused and laughed at.
In short, the very idea that there are behaviours that make one a “man” instead of simply a mature person, is itself toxic.

* It, of course, used to be much worse, but these teachings are still around, as are the effects of those who were so taught.


This is an excellent differentiation of healthy versus toxic masculinity.

However, I’ll go out and put myself at risk here by saying that there is a second and quite-commonly-used version, which is “Anything someone doesn’t like about a man”. It’s become a pretty popular catch-all for women to criticize men that are engaging in either harmless “guy stuff” that harms nobody, or just doing negative things that are gender-neutral.

But with that said, yeah. Toxic masculinity is like the Trump version of politics - what weak people imagine strength looks like, what powerless people imagine powerful people to be like, what unsophisticated people imagine sophisticated ones to be like, and what small boys imagine grown men to be like. AKA: completely and utterly wrong, and really kind of sad.

Citation required.
Because from what I’ve seen nearly all “guy stuff” & “boys being boys” is rooted in toxic masculinity.


Women didn’t start that fire; it was always fucking burning…


The forest troop! Thanks for reminding me of them.


I fucking love the forest troop so much!!
Its a fantastic lesson on how much social change can happen in a single generation!
Behaviours we thought were rooted in biology are actually just learned behaviour!

I also love that even now, decades later, new baboons that join the troop learn very quickly that the aggressive “alpha” behaviour they’d been taught does not fly and they either adapt or leave. Its amazing!

I just hope that humanity can learn from them without a tuberculosis epidemic that kills 2/3s of the males. :wink:


Odd. I’ve never seen this. I, too, would need to hear some examples and also reasons you consider it at all widespread.


There are times that, despite being male and no fan of Thanos’ logic, i would pretty much welcome the idea.


Hey now, we’re entering the end of most of our antibiotics and most bacteria are becoming resistant to them and we saw a massive upswell of PLAGUE cases in the last two years (from single digits to double, but still) - we can hold out hope for a new black death to come along and wipe out 2/3s of us! One can only hope! :smiley:

We just need to leave explicit instructions to the survivors on what NOT to do as they rebuild society.


Ra’s al Ghul was somewhat more sensible in his genocidal tendencies; not killing off half the universe - just 2/3 of human life on this planet. No need to go punishing the rest of all existence for our species’ fuck-ups.

We don’t even need a “new” one; the old one is still out there somewhere in a now-mutated form. The Black Plague that devastated Europe was never cured… it just burned itself out, because there was no one left to spread to.


Yiss! 2/3s!! Thats the magic number!! Plague, Ra’s al Ghul, whatever, I’m good. Go team 66%!

Edit to add CDC page for Plague.

The plague has never gone away and it never will it can live forever in the soil, just waiting for the right conditions to emerge. We are so doomed. I can’t wait! :smiley:


And here all this time, I thought it was 3.




Wait, this might be the wrong thread. Ah well. I’m never at my best in the mornings.