I’m not going to repeat myself again regarding the nature of entry-level advice from self-help gurus and charlatans. The TLS review gives a good summary of who he’s targetting with the book and why the follow-up ideas are also targetted toward them.
hahahahah what?
So if I say “ban all men” but also give some really good life advice like: water your garden in the evening not the morning, we’re good? Excellent! Oh wait… I’m part of the “feminist community” so I guess everything I say can be dismissed? But what about the good advice bits? Are those still good? I’m so confused… can someone write a 12 step book for women? @anon15383236 or @anon61221983 how about it? Wanna write a book for women full of “common sense”? LOL
Hahaha, read my post again.
Be cautious, is what I mean. It just makes it harder to see through to the good stuff in feminism when there’s extreme exaggerations like this floating around.
/me has aneurysm
Of course it’s entry level, I get that. But the TLS doesn’t give a good summary, it criticizes the book harshly with very little backing it up.
A great example of this is the part about Peterson making some kind of reference to cats either getting hit by cars, or burning in the engine. It has nothing to do with the content of the book or even the white privilege that the article is supposed to be about.
It exists only to make him look bad.
This is my problem here. I get that not everything he says is good, but I don’t understand why such an extreme statement about Peterson overall has to be made.
Hey man, I just wanna earn $80k a month too! Is that so bad!! I wanna be the top Hyena!
I’ve been re-reading the 48 Laws of Power again; I’ve often considered the possibility that the reason I’m not rich is because I have a conscience and some ethics about not fucking other people over for profit.
I’d be perfectly happy to completely discontinue talking about the man at all; cyclical hamster wheel conversations where everyone is convinced of their own “superior insight” are not only counterproductive, they’re tedious and bothersome.
Pretty much my reason for it.
Can we get something straight here?
Peterson is in absolutely no shape or form “anti-pc,” beyond his own self-description. He speaks to the current (patriarchal) hegemony. When you preach the prevailing political structure, you are in fact quite PC. What Peterson is, well, that’s colloquially known as being a dick.
Being anti-PC is punching up, at those with greater power.
Hey, you’re already the top dachshund, what’s so bad about that??
There are days when I almost envy sociopaths; not feeling anything for others must make life a helluva lot more simple to navigate.
Oooooh now there’s an idea!
A self help book based on doxie behaviour!
Rule #1: Stay low to the ground. The better to snatch morsels that fall and to trip up unsuspecting humans to drop more morsels!
Rule #2: Clean your doghouse. Right now, you little scamp!
I think a better place to start with ‘self help’ is the very basics of being self sustaining:
Wash your ass. Well, with soap and hot water.
Good hygiene goes a long way in life…
Yeah, the fact that people like this get significant traction is meaningful data.
Unfortunately I find when I’ve tried to read his work it bores me into a stupor, so I can’t analyze it for usefulness.
Eh, this presumes that PC has a rigid definition. It is vernacular that gained traction in the 70’s, with some push and pull from political opposition on who’s going to own it and define it as good or bad.
Personally, I think everyone would be better off if we stopped using the term, and just talked about the topic in the terms of what actually is going on in debates. “Hey, you are being rude to X, Y people when you say Z. Please be mindful of the consequences of your words.” But apparently that’s too hard to manage.
Take care then.
Rule 4: Treat others as you’d like to be treated!