Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/05/10/donate-now.html
It’s nice to hear that, there didn’t seem to be much activity around Thunderbird recently.
For a simpler alternative, there’s Claws Mail ( http://www.claws-mail.org ). It’s also free/opensource and supports end-to-end email encryption.
Awesome, I’m glad that Thunderbird has a lifeline; I’ve been concerned that it would wither.
This is much better news than the other Thunderbird getting a new home.
Good news. It may not be perfect but I like Thunderbird.
I use Thunderbird and Lightning calendar for both business and personal use. I’ve had it for over a decade, ever since Outlook Express gave me tons of trouble on XP. Pleased to see it’s not going to disappear.
Will Thunderbird ever get to the point where it’s done? I use it and have no complaints. I kind of wish it would stop being developed and just go into maintenance mode where bugs are fixed.
Indeed, Thunderbird already did everything I needed and just seems to be getting more bloated as time goes by. (I have absolutely no need for Lightning.) I might check out that aforementioned “Claws Mail”.
How did they manage to hang on to the Thunderbird name, anyway, considering we only ended up with Firefox via Phoenix and Firebird?
I thought this was going to be a charming piece about a classic Ford finding someone to restore it.
I still miss Eudora.
What happened to Tracy Island?
It’s interesting that Trevelcare seems to be suggesting the hidden rocket launch is the downside to an otherwise boring vacay. If my wife or I or most of our friends were at that resort, the launch would take it from a two-star to a four-star experience (five if we can hitch a ride on the rocket). But then we’ve all watched way too much Thunderbirds
Well absolutely - the idea that T.I. accidentally became a tourist destination is both hilarious - and awesome.
I finally bit the bullet and switched to Thunderbird from Eudora a couple of years ago. I don’t like it as well, but having a 1080p screen makes up for a lot of what I didn’t like about the user interface. I hope they keep TBird working for a long time.
My mom is still using Eudora 1.4 (I think) on her Mac. It Just Works, and her vision’s not good enough to use web-based email.
Huh? Has this been inadvertently flagged as spam?
I may have buried the lede a bit too much, I suspect. It was a direct answer to the question I was replying to, but the context wasn’t obvious, I guess.
Still, folks call 'em as they see 'em, and it was (checks) my first hidden post, so I was probably overdue.
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