TikTok allows man "hunting" down non-binaries to keep his account

How do you get that from my picture?
What exactly do you expect of a meme?
Was there some convention I missed where the meme bureau decided we all have to add footnotes and a dissertation now?


Well, you see… an omnipotent and omniscient being needs highly flawed very limited primates to do the leg work.

I guess the question is “Can God make a “non-binary” who can hide so well that even he needs TikToker’s to hunt them?”

This whole situation is beyond F-ed. If I posted a video of me harassing a motel worker, threatening to kidnap republicans, the police would be kicking my door down so they could provide me with new ventilation holes. Target a minority (particularly one associated with gender), and “it’s just a TikTok video”…


Now, lets not be judging the man. Maybe he was just trying to confiscate LP records and VHS tapes?

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I’ve known plenty of gay people and unfortunately plenty of homophobic people and always found it interesting how the homophobes talked about gay sex more than the gay people I’ve known.


The classic piece.


I don’t give a shit about his work and whether he keeps his job but his history of violent threats and harassment of small businesses needs to be on police records whenever he finally picks a “hoe” to take his violent fantasies out on.


I should have noted that he allegedly works on a college campus. His very presence at such a job immediately transforms it into a particularly unsafe environment for staff and students.


Dunno what Russians murdering Ukrainians has to do with violence in the US either.

Probably just trying to use your meme comment to “redirect” discourse. Been a lot of that…


“There’s an egress right behind you sir, start with that.”


There are two main types of guys who try to slide into my (nonbinary transfemme) DMs:

  1. Dudes with profiles filled with pics of their wife and/or kids
  2. Excessively performatively masculine military (or military worshiping) dudes

Both usually have a bunch of stuff about how freaking Christian they are too. These types just exude creepy fetishism when trying to talk to me. They’re attracted to us, but hate themselves for it, and try to keep it hidden. Outwardly they’re very often transphobic and homophobic in an over-the-top way, too.

They’re at war with themselves and instead of dealing with those issues, they target us. It fucking sucks.


I remember some prominent celebrity gay man saying something along those lines about the GOP, and boy did that make me laugh. I think it was right around the time I had a coworker that would always insist that the gay “lifestyle” is just about “gratification” and about how fantastic the “hedonism” is and that relationships should be about “procreation” and “family” and so on instead of just really, really great sex. I finally asked him if was trying to convince himself if he was straight, or what, and why is he constantly talking to ME about this?

Well, he did not bring it up (much) after that, LOL. He had similar “concerns” about trans as well, and although I left that workplace long ago, I bet he was singularly obsessed with where they were pooping back when that was a Primary Concern ™ for the right, before they moved onto trans and sports as a Primary Concern ™. I wish I could say he’s the only one I’ve run across IRL that has these singular obsessions, it seems surprisingly common. I have an in-law I avoid at all costs, but when he’s at family events, he even STILL talks about how Michelle Obama is really “Michael”.



Sorry to hear that. I’m a cis het, but often would get accused of being gay by the performative ones because I lack the overtly performative male traits (sportsball I find dull - as a spectator, anyway, and hunting/fishing I find atrocious), LOL. It always seemed rather obvious to me that men that seem to just constantly follow/troll/talk about/legislate against gay (men) and trans (women), while constantly declaring other men are gay or doing things “like a girl”…are probably not quite as hetero as they are trying to convince everyone else they are.

It’s too bad they cannot get help and refocus their energy on some healthy outlets for where they are on the sexual spectrum…targeting others for what is obviously an internal conflict is not helping anyone.


What did enbys ever do to this wretched person to make them so angry?


We exist. That’s enough, apparently.


The Good Old fascist playbook here: relentlessly target and demonize a minority, ???, power.


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