Today in transphobia (Part 1)


Note: Meant to only address a few points but the AC isn’t working in my office and I’m cranky so I got carried away. :sweat_smile:

I certainly supported trans rights and considered myself an ally to a vulnerable group who, based on what I had read in the media, had always felt deeply unhappy with their bodies.


For clarity, I shall call her “she” and “Jo” here throughout, but she demanded a new name and pronouns and immediate acceptance on threat of withdrawing all communication and love.

Yeah, you weren’t an ally, you just didn’t want people to think badly of you until you were faced with it head on.

We wondered what had led to these feelings of dysphoria when she had never shown any discomfort with her sex or body.

We hide it dipshit, because we’re afraid of reactions like yours.

Alarmingly, almost all of Jo’s friends adopted a trans identity around the same time, strongly suggesting to us that social contagion was an issue.

Ah there’s the ROGD BS. You know queer people tend to find one another before they even realize they’re queer, right? Like of my high-school friend group a good 75% later came out as gay or bi, and a couple of us as trans. And when one comes out, the others might feel like maybe they won’t lose their friend group and so feel safe doing so too?

the potential use of powerful hormonal drugs that could suppress our daughter’s adolescence and lead to irreparable damage to her body.

My trans body is anything but irreparably damaged by cross-sex hormones, thank you very much. It is irreparably damaged by having had to go through the wrong puberty though.

She found it almost impossible to describe her feelings – following her later diagnosis of autism, we learnt this is a common symptom.

Yes, lots of us are autistic, doesn’t mean we don’t know who we are. And when you act like you’re acting here, lady, it makes it even harder.

However, I refused to allow breast binding – it seems an inherently bad idea to restrict a growing body.

Translation: I ignored medical science saying it’s safe and forced my child to present in a way that causes psychological distress because it made me feel icky!

Trans people call it their “dead name”; a cruel choice, forcing parents to think of their baby in such emotive terms.

It’s called a deadname because people like you will put it on our graves against our wishes.

I grieved my loss and felt guilt in the grieving.

Yes, make it about yourself and not the suffering of your child. You should never have had kids.

Despite all our support, her mental health worsened and during a trivial argument she blurted out that a few months previously she had taken an overdose of paracetamol, with the intention of ending her life.

Despite your WHAT? Nothing you’ve written shows you supported him in any way. This is on YOU.

I created secret, anonymous social media accounts to search for evidence about chest binding, puberty blockers and surgeries.

Social media research isn’t research. Yes, peer-reviewed trans related research is not as robust as it should be, but it overwhelmingly supports transition. You found TERF BS and decided you liked it better and therefore it was true.

Finally, I was able to find evidence and resources willing to view it with a critical eye.

You fell down a bigotry radicalization rabbit hole.

So it was that, as my husband drove us through a tunnel on a wet October evening I wound down my window and screamed to the wind “Transwomen are MEN!”.

Ah yes, there it is. The transmisogyny. And the fact you put that into an article and are proud of it? Get help.

Our daughter is now confirmed autistic, has poor mental health, and suffered bullying for her same-sex attraction. These are all things I learnt are common features in teenage girls who experience rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), It seems far more likely Jo’s trans identity was a coping mechanism for a difficult period than that my child had somehow been “born in the wrong body”.

ROGD is a myth you utter pillock. It was created by cherry picking data to support a pre-conceived idea and you fell for it hook line and sinker. Your conclusion is wishful thinking.

We tread on eggshells around Jo, who soon will be old enough to make her own decisions.
There are signs it’s working; I hear my words repeated to her friends and while she still calls herself a boy, she’s no longer unwilling to include herself when discussing sex-based issues.

He’s masking because he realized trying to be himself with you around is a lost cause. I hope he can get away from you and your toxicity soon. If you lose contact with him once he’s of age, it’s 100% your fault.


“She still calls herself a boy but…”

That poor boy though. It sounds like Mom is secretly really emotionally abusive and controlling but likes to play the martyr.

It’s pretty common for kids with this kind of parent to have worse mental health outcomes regardless of gender.


Even just the one-box has me wondering if this is some TER faking it. How could any ‘liberal’ get all of that so wrong just in the first couple of sentences?


Well following the authors logic and applying it to her…

I see no reason to believe her just because “liberal” is how she likes to self-identify. Probably just social contagion affecting a confused conservative who will one day be very proud of herself in her natural non-blue-haired body once she stops contaminating it with chemicals. Until then we will grit our teeth and pretend to accept her even though we definitely do not accept her…Hopefully in a way she can pick up on so we can gaslight her about it if she feels like something is off… :sob:

Whole article was disturbing really.


You’ve expressed my thoughts exactly. I hope that poor boy escapes into adult hood with as little damage as possible.
When we decided we wanted kids, we talked about this. How would we feel if our child is bi, gay, ace, trans, non-binary? We explored the possibilities together, along with a lot of others, and didn’t try to conceive until we were as sure as possible that we would accept our child for who they are, no matter if we were uncomfortable or disagreed, or feared for them. We also promised to hold each other accountable if we slipped.
Because this was our child’s life and wellbeing at stake. If we couldn’t love a child who turned out differently from what we expected, we had no business having a child.

I hope the boy survives :sob:


There’s nothing I can add to the amazing analysis that’s already been done but this particular line sticks with me. I know parents of children on the spectrum. I know they have trouble understanding their children’s feelings sometimes–they admit that. But they also make the effort to understand because they know whatever their child’s dealing with is much, much, harder, and it’s their role to provide support.

That’s the difference between being a good parent and someone who shouldn’t have kids in the first place.

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Gender dysphoria is a very difficult thing to pin down at the best of times. It is EXTREMELY hard to describe to someone who hasn’t had it, and those of us who are neurodivergent have an extra layer of stuff to sort through to be able to communicate it to neurotypicals. Hell, it took me until I was in my mid 40s to finally figure out that the cloud that had been hovering over me my whole life even WAS dysphoria, let alone being able to describe it to others. To do so to a hostile authority figure would have been extremely difficult, no wonder he wasn’t able to communicate feelings clearly!


Conservative liberalism is a thing, unfortunately. Just look at Joe Manchin and Keir Starmer.


That woman can think of herself anyway she wants; but all I hear from all that BS is that SHE’S A TERRIBLE MOTHER.

I pity her kids.

I respect people who have chosen not to procreate way more than I do shitty selfish parents.


Yeah the naked narcissism is hard to take… not once does it sound like she sought therapy for herself because her extreme inability to cope was killing her child.

She shows more concern over the potential loss of a pair of shapely breasts than her sons actual life.


This right here is why I’m mostly T4T. Limits the dating pool, but I’m less likely to get fetishized and I start my relationship with a level of understanding that can take a long time to get someone up to if they aren’t well educated in trans issues. Usually, anyway. I have run into trans trans chasers so YMMV.



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From last year. WTF? racism

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