Today’s non-US mass shooting (or attacks with other means than firearms)

Today’s non-US mass shooting1), and topics relevant to mass shootings.
Preferably about preventing them.

1) As it would appear that some are of the opinion that US mass shootings are so… exceptional? that threads about them must be kept pure or something. Who knows.


Those are not mass shootings.
They are confrontations between the police and drug gangs ans/or paramilitary gangs that happen which often result in civilian deaths as a collateral damage.
(This doesn’t mean i support or condone those actions.
I don’t live in a city that has this kind of operation, so i don’t have a more elaborated opinion on them, but they seem extremely foolish.)

There were some mass shootings in brazil in the last years
A few are done by citizens, the Realengo school shooting is the most famous one and inspired by the american ones and with some influnce from 4chan and/or other misogynist platforms.

There are also the mass shootings perpetrated by the police, called ‘chacina,’ where several citizens are executed, usually it happens because a police officer was killed or another similar reason, like a vendetta or payback.
E.g. Chacina da Candelária (one of the most famous):

Chacina no Complexo do Alemão (triggered by the killing of two police officers):


I dont know why the original topic became a US-only topic. I didn’t set it up for that purpose, and had personally posted international incidents.

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The comunity decided to make it US centric and the moderators agreed. I posted a story about a mass shooting outside the US, several users flagged it as off topic, then Duketrout removed my post and moved it elsewere. When I asked about it Orenwolf supported it with:


“He wants to project his anger on to the world and described media attention from mass killing as the only way the world would take notice.”

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I never removed it. I just moved it to a topic with a closer match, namely, the 2020 Uprising thread.

Your post was about a government’s violent reaction to protesters. It had nothing to do with international vs. US; it was about context.


My post was about a mass shooting perpetrated by a government and or it’s thugs. The US vs International was stated by Orenwolf, not me.


I am not griping, quite the opposite, I have been rather impressed with the overall moderation here. I was answering the question as to why someone might have created this post.

I dont know why the original topic became a US-only topic. I didn’t set it up for that purpose, and had personally posted international incidents.

(Not sure why it would not let me properly quote)


RIP Cyrille Morel 45, Remi Dupuis 37 and Arno Mavel 21.

Interesting their names carry no designation.

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Wasn’t this thread only opened because a now-banned member felt that the other thread had a high US event count?