Toilets that you have to use an app to get into

I can think of a very appropriate way to “voice” my displeasure with this idea.

(Drops trousers in front of the sign, relaxes bowels.)


In their mock-up video, they have queuing for busy washrooms, and a Rate My Poop feedback.

I can’t help but think there must be some way to turn this into an augmented reality geo-game. Poopymon Go!


Pay bathrooms? Not for me.

Here I sit, broken hearted.
Paid a dime, but only farted.
Next time I’ll take a chance,
save my dime and shit my pants.

Oh good iPhone only.

The cafe we frequent had these installed sometime recently, and I had the displeasure of using them for the first time the other day. I walk over to the bathroom door, it’s locked. I don’t expect a QR code scanner to have anything to do with opening the door, so I stand there for a few minutes until I realize something isn’t right. I go to the counter and ask for the bathroom key, and they print me a QR code receipt and tell me to scan it. As I am heading to the counter, someone esle gets a QR code and is on their way to the bathroom. When I get back to the bathroom, there is now an old man waiting. I tell him he has to go get a QR code to scan. He goes back to the counter, gets his code, and when he gets back I let him cut me in line to be polite. He does his business, and when leaving says “Jesus christ, you need an engineering degree to use this bathroom”. I try scanning my code. It doesn’t work. I go back to the counter and ask them for a new code. They just end up giving me the physical bathroom key, so while I’m in the bathroom I’m anxiously waiting for someone with a QR code to open the door while I’m doing my business.

0/7, wouldn’t pee in that bathroom again.


I feel this model also invites my other all-time favourite bit of stall grafitti:

Anyone can piss on the floor. Be a hero: shit on the ceiling.

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Pooped out from all these jokes


How does this app handle streaming media?


Why would you go to the bathroom without your phone? That’s where I set all my Candy Crush high scores!

I hope someone does this to the app creators:


The found an activity tragically deprived of transaction costs; and looked to fix that.

Unfortunately, that covers a lot of ‘innovative’ business models.

Can’t wait for her to appear on “Shark Tank” and get shredded by the sharks.

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There are still a fair number of places that have pay toilets. They seem to be primarily in low income areas, by businesses that want to guarantee that only patrons have access to toilets.

I was kind of amused within the last year, on a bit of a road trip that a burger king (don’t judge my choice in road food!) had a pay toilet. Free token from the cashier, but you had to go up and ask for one. Someone left the bathroom as I was about to try to token my way in, so now I have a nice copper souvenir of a really craptastic burger king. nik-o-lok restroom token “Help keep our restrooms clean” (it was in no way anything that you’d consider “clean”…)

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The only thing mitigating this ever so slightly would be including the “Didn’t wash hands” alert from that one Gary Larson cartoon.

Other than that, classic lazy, non-innovative capitalism:
You already have something you need.
I take it and sell it back to you.

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I understand the drive for pay toilets. In other countries its more common to see them and guarantees that the facilities are kept stocked and clean, unlike free ones in particularly busy areas.

But i’m torn about it because having access to bathrooms should be a right. I know it can get overused and cause problems for a business owner.

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