TOM THE DANCING BUG: Chagrin Falls - An Immigrant's Story


Dropping out of a graduate program is an excellent career move - it proves you were smart enough to get in, but it’s not threatening to the boss like an actual degree. And if it leaves you with a chip on your shoulder, you are perfect middle management material!


Ha, of all the reasons for my tiny Ohio hometown to get mentioned on BoingBoing…also that college doesn’t exist but I understand him using it , creative license and all…

Seeing my hometown on the BB front page is almost as weird as seeing the CFHS principal’s office used as a police station in “Kings of Summer”. I feel like putting on an “Ask me about Chagrin Falls” button.

“The Job”, in 2008 and apparently “Nukees” in 1997 also did similar jokes. That makes it a classic, I guess.

…and this is why Mexico’s unemployment rate is half that of the USA.

Is it as weird as seeing Calvin destroy it, King Kong-style on the back of one of the C&H collections?

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