Tom the Dancing Bug: Russia's Communist Revolution - Could it happen here?

Originally published at: Tom the Dancing Bug: Russia's Communist Revolution - Could it happen here? - Boing Boing


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Honestly I feel like the way the Republicans denigrate anything even halfway resembling a social safety net as COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM has done more to make those ideologies look attractive than anything else. “If these assholes say this obviously good thing is TERRIBLE COMMUNISM then maybe I’m a Communist or something” starts to sound pretty reasonable after a while.


Faith Petric told me “you ain’t done nothing if you ain’t been called a red”


“but it is unbearable, because i am pretending it was rigged.”

pure genius.

i was surprised ( and then, not surprised ) to learn from heather cox richardson that the first time “socialism” was trotted out as the big scare was reconstruction!

it seems always to be used to inspire fear in white people that they’re going to lose something. ( when, of course, the only people in danger of losing something are the very richest of white people. and even then it’s only differential power. everyone benefits when everyone has the means to fully participate in society. )


long live the glorious non-revolution!


The Red Scare doesn’t hit like it used to. There are literally no Communists in mainstream politics. The fact you call people like Harris a Communist is hilarious because it is so far removed from reality.


Yet some believe it anyway. Because they have no idea what the word “communism” actually means…


What would happen if some of the people terrified of this met an actual communist? Feint from the shock?

I feel like GOP and talk radio have accused Democrats of being “far-left radicals” at best and “communists” at worst, ever since some of us thought it might be OK if Black people could vote and use the same schools and same drinking fountains as White people.

Silly me, I thought you had to be for a completely different economic system in order to be a communist. Nancy Pelosi still invests in the stock market, she’s totally fine with the economic system we have. (although, I don’t think she understands how much a pint of ice cream costs)


The only key economic difference between America in 2024 and America in 1954 is that in 1954 the rich were taxed a lot more than now. (Britain is similar in that respect.)


… if eating fancy ice cream is wrong, do we really want to be right :thinking:


Why is it that in America the (far) right party is traditionally “red”, whereas in most countries, red is the colour of the left-wing (and literally communism)?

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IIRC, they used to swap which party was red and which was blue on the electoral maps, until in 2000 the GoP was red, and for some reason it just sort of stuck.


Huh. Well, today I learnt a new thing.
(In the UK most parties have their own colour, blue for Tory, red for Labour, orange for LibDems, yellow for SNP, and you’ll never guess what colour the Green party use :wink: )

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Thanks for this. I’m old enough to remember the 1976 election. Democratic states were shown in red on electoral maps; Republican states shown in blue. Later, Reagan’s campaign buttons/signage were predominantly dark blue. I imprinted on that, and still to this day think of a dark blue when thinking of Republicans.

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… I think it’s a kind of Orwellian obfuscation

don’t want the youngsters to think about that red flag and how it relates to retail politics :thinking:


The Ministry of Truth will ensure you pick the correct colour


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