Originally published at: Tony Hawk sings and rides a skateboard at the same time, in this awesome rendition of "Wish" by Nine Inch Nails | Boing Boing
Ace! I am well inside the target demographic for this one
Cool tune. Cool band. Cool frontman (the guy Elon Musk wishes he was).
I just got to the end of that video; and the way Tony does a one take karaoke straight in to some tricks is soooo cool.
Do you think he even knows who Tony Hawk is?
Nice! Even a cameo from Trent!
I’ve shared this before but it bears repeating: in the late '80’s a young woman I went to school with wrote Tony Hawk a fan letter. He sent back a really nice personal reply telling her how grateful he was to hear from a fan. He was glad she was a skater, adding that it’s a sport that’s for everyone, and wished her luck in competing.
I understand he’s got a lot of commitments and gets far too much correspondence to respond personally to each message these days but his core philosophy hasn’t changed.
Tony is such a hero, and a credit to the human race.
Tony Hawk, “Do a kickflip!”
Guy n Blue Hoodie, “Holy Shit!”
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