Top 5 filthiest areas in an airplane that can make you sick

Memo to self: Do not lick any airline tray tables or aisle seats. Or cabin crew.


Back in the 90s when I was flying a lot, I got so many ENT bugs that my consultant issued me with a 5 day supply of amoxycillin to take as soon as I came back from a trip. It worked and to my surprise I haven’t developed amoxycillin-resistant bugs.

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I used to work at a hospital in Florida which had a contract with one of the big cruise lines to handle “sick call” for their crew members while in port.

The pathology teaching docs LOVED it. They got to show their students all kinds of exotic third world bugs which they’d never see working in a Midwestern clinic.


I think the lesson here is that as soon as you get on a plane you should lick the armrest or tray table, so then you can relax for the rest of the trip instead of being paranoid about touching anything.


That’s interesting. It sounds like you have some jnsider knowledge.

I wrote my comment seriously. Lately I have been on some immaculate new planes, and some abolutley filthy and abused older planes. It seems like the “regional” carriers don’t have the same standards of cleanliness that the larger cariers do.

Hmmm…three hours on a filthy plane or fourteen hours on a filthier Greyhound bus?

“Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away!”

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There are literally millions of times more bacteria inside your body than on your toilet seat. FACT. I recommend daily consumption of bleach.


It’s true, some of them don’t. Many of them because they simply can’t afford it. The crews that come in and clean your aircraft at hangar maintinence time, unless you’re one of the large carriers and employ your own people for it, are fucking expensive. And without a proper clean, there’s only so much that wiping and vacuuming can do, really.


There are also different kinds of bacteria. And viruses. If a farmer has a herd of cows, doesn’t mean he’s going to walk up to a pride of lions. But they are all mammals.

Right, so we should kill all mammals lest we encounter a lion, also that would take out the evil hyenas. As I said, daily consumption of bleach.

giant aluminum tube full of other peoples farts


Don’t the Masai describe white people as “those who conceal their farts with clothing” or is that just an urban myth?


So how does no sugar and vitamin c help?

Germs are everywhere, an inescapable part of reality; and frankly, they are pretty low on my list of things to be worried about these days.


Brag much? Some of us only get a germ party in our pants weekly at best :disappointed:


Vitamin C helps with the immune system (and it’s been shown a megadose of it can shorten the duration of a cold.)

Lack of sugar is more just a health thing. Sugar is a hell of a drug. Do something healthier, like benzos.


Part of me wants to spend my life wearing gloves and earmuffs recreationally.

Also the thread has been a reminder of another reason why I want to re-kick my chronic sugar habit. Thanks!

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By my understanding there is a limit as to how fast the body can process vitamins before they just become expensive urine. Perhaps I’m not current?

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Can you show me the research on that, because I’ve read exactly the opposite. I did here there is some effect from daily kg levels of vitamin C, but I was a bit suspicious of that data.

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I prefer to think that they just occasionally open all the doors and do a barrel roll to shake the dust out.