Top Saudi cleric: "Twitter is the source of all evil"

I was just rhetorically wondering yesterday how much less obnoxious gamergate and MRAs might be without Twitter.

Twitter is basically a platform for minor celebrities to snark at each other and a great place for representatives of companies to say idiotic things they have to apologize for later. Or is it more than that?

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Nah, that is only the daughter religions, Judaism has evil as a necessary permission from God so people can also make the wrong choice.

Christians point to the tree of knowledge good/evil story and get wacky about creationism because they 100% require a perfectly literal cut/paste reading in a vacuum to make Jesus into a divine/human sacrifice though completely outside of anything the Hebrew scriptures ever mention.

Jesus, he was never even hinted at in your scriptures(without King James/NIV/etc translaughtering it) but you go to hell if you donā€™t believe in our new version 2.0.

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The only ā€œintuitiveā€ interface is the nipple. After that itā€™s all learned.

-Scott Francis

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As a Thinkpad user, I can only agree.


For a moment, I was relieved that San Francisco was finally off the hook. But then, I remembered that Twitter HQ is in San Francisco.

He must have discovered the Solanas botsā€¦


Really? Tell that to my kids when they were newborns, it took weeks.

My five-month-old still tries to latch onto my arm or nose when heā€™s frantic.

It is more than that. Due to Circumstances I donā€™t get to see my friends and acquaintances as often as Iā€™d like these days, so Twitter helps us casually keep in touch without needing to make plans for brunch or whatever to catch up. ā€œAnyone want this extra ticket to see So-and-So?ā€ also promotes in-person interactions we might have missed out on otherwise. I donā€™t follow a bunch of celebrities and marketing accounts, and only a few lulz ones, so my feed isnā€™t cluttered up with noise from people I donā€™t actually have anything to do with.

And before that, The Waltz. (look it up :slight_smile: )

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Eh, pick a language like R or K+ to get a shorter representation so you can make source with explicit basis for evil, and still implement Twitter in 1 line. Twitter Dev team are hopefully revved with this new credential and dark powers.
-Endless Chocolate Bar (from random pores)
-1000 blind eyes appear (on your Mom! or Dadā€™s shed. This is real roots evil.)
-Ectoplasm Adsā„¢ seethe forth on monitors
-New ToS involves chimeric offspring with Do Not Want category insect adaptations (when external digestion isnā€™t enough!)

ā€¦or indeed Unfollow Diplomacy and seeing what ends up on The Soup after Top Cleric shows what edicts can be made to only 8 obscure ingredients (or whatever city rules pass the City Clerics.)

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