Toronto mayor Rob Ford "drunkenly calls radio show" to defend self, calling himself "Ian"

To sue for libel would call more attention to it, which wouldn’t exactly be his goal. The ‘Rob Ford’ effect could be a bizarro drunker corollary to the Streisand effect, in which attempts to clear his name only create more chaos.

Since the police have confirmed the existence of a video in which the mayor is seen smoking ‘something’ out of a glass pipe while hanging out with numerous active criminals, some of whom are now dead or in prison - we are well into ‘don’t believe a word Ford says’ territory.

As I’ve said in other places, I don’t want him to be convicted of smoking crack. I don’t care what he does to his body, and I don’t want anyone going to prison for drugs. I’d love to see him lose his job though, because he is an incompetent, homophobic asshole who bullies, shouts, gropes and otherwise embarrasses his city and the whole damn country.

The fact he is in such a lofty position is one of those insane outliers that you get occasionally in an extremely complex system. Occasionally we also get a truly excellent person in power - an outcome equally as unlikely and unusual. This outlier should be fixed sooner than later. Let him go back to huffing gas in his pool room or whatever he does with his time.

How the hell does a website devoted to streaming audio clips not have a blindingly obvious volume button?

98% of people in the GTA know about the scandal. The remaining 2% probably aren’t very connected to the news, and even if they do learn of the tape from a libel lawsuit that’s not a very big downside. Furthermore, international media have long since picked up on this story.

Alright, you guys got me. I agree, “drunkenly” is a pretty bold assertion.

By that logic you and I are subject to Outer Moldavia’s laws about using the internet on non-Outer Moldavian equipment.

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