Transgender Awareness - Positive News and Stories


“I truly believe that we can address a number of goals in House Bill 68 by administrative rules that will have likely a better chance of surviving judicial review and being adopted,” DeWine said at a Friday press conference.

He announced that he agreed with several concerns from the legislature and will draft rules for gender-affirming care moving forward – including bans on surgeries for minors, reporting and data collection on those who receive care, as well as restrictions on “pop-up clinics” that serve the transgender community.

These concerns are unfounded. There are already medical standards in place that achieve these goals. The WPATH standards make gender affirming surgeries on minors exceedingly rare. And I’m not sure what the “pop-up clinics” is referring to, but if existing clinics are not serving the transgender community adequately so that temporary clinics are popping up to serve that community, maybe focus on that problem instead of restricting such clinics.