Transparency - changes to the BBS

Hopefully this gets read :slight_smile: But i actually until just now had no idea that there was a super-duper secret alternate space for ā€œregularsā€ to come together. I had noticed certain people had Regular titles under their name and wondered where those came from but didnā€™t give it too much thought.

Frankly having been part of this community for many years and not knowing that there was a division between me and a ā€œregularā€ i find myself somewhat at a loss. Maybe you could say that i have no horse in this race because i was never in the exclusive kids club, so this forum change is mostly wasted on me. And i mainly like to stick to discussions directly related to posts on the front of the site, so even if i was clued into the Regular thing i probably wouldntā€™ve participated unless forced to do so.

for those that were part of it i understand how much the change may not be fully welcomed but i think keeping the community fragmented is hurtful to the site in the long term. It can create some hostilities or elitism. Iā€™ve witnessed this first hand as being a moderator for various tight knitted communities. Maybe i donā€™t fully get what the issue is, so pardon my ignorance.


I meant the Regular badge itself.

Perhaps I was being a bit melodramatic. My prose can get quite florid when Iā€™m passionate about something.


Ask @orenwolf about that!

No regular is losing their badge.

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The issue here is that jlw feels the community provides no value or income to BB - a lean and fledgling independent publisher. jlw has clashed with regular commenters, and it has finally come to this. In the now-vanished lounge thread, jlw said something to the effect of ā€œthis discourse instance exists only for purpose of discussing boingboing blog posts, go start your own if you want a communityā€


@Mindysan33 isnā€™t a Regular?



There were 160 Regulars two days ago.

Now there are 28.


Umm I haveā€¦ not that is that big a deal to me but it is gone now.



That wasnā€™t supposed to happen.

If the system is stripping badges this will be corrected in short order. It was not our intent to do so.

I pinged @codinghorror and weā€™ll make that right. The goal is to keep giving those out going forward, too. Weā€™ll talk about that in a few days.


Oooooh maybe its gone all Highlander! There can be only one!
Iā€™m still a regular! Who will go next!!


I can assure you from personal experience that that is not true.

I am no longer a Regular, despite having the numbers for it. I was not banned, and AFAIK I didnā€™t do anything that would cause me to lose Regular status.

Also, I am most assuredly not alone in this.


Battle to the death in the thunder dome! Two regs enter, one leaves.


Itā€™s an empty badge now anyway. Honestly, it kinda was before, too; the arbitrary nature of its award made it irrelevant except so far as it allowed access to another ā€œtopicā€ and now thatā€™s gone, I really donā€™t see the point. I have always judged people on the content of their thoughts not the color of their trust level anyway.


From 1512


Oh hey! I lost mine too! I didnā€™t even realize it until you mentioned it.
So much for that tattoo I had planned.

Edit: In retrospect, getting ā€œRegularā€ tattooed above my butt was probably a bad idea anyway.


Such should be wonderful. :slight_smile: Only the idea at all makes me happy. It does make good, not to sour bread. But If someone want to, its easy to turn into a sour making starter. Itā€™s so old an balanced you can play with it.
But indeed very OT.


Add me to the list. I wasnā€™t even sassy last week during the kerfuffle.


Should we just START A NEW ONE?


This is what I keep thinking- I always thought using tiers to snipe at people behind their back was kind of a shitty thing, but why not moderate that instead of just blowing the whole thing up and taking something people valued with it?

I could understand if the site were trying to be hands-off with little to no moderation, but this isnā€™t that kind of place- and this move is being done with the promise of more moderation. So why not use the moderation targeted at the actual concern?


Did it? TL3 and its Lounge have been here for years. Did you feel excluded, or otherwise looked down upon by elites?

Does anyone actually believe that Regular status has created any hostilities here?


I wasā€¦ Iā€™m stripped now? Maybe itā€™s women and children first?