Tribal site to golf course and back again, if the price is right

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I hope they can get it back.

If you look into mound building, there is so much and so many of them around the US it is pretty amazing. And lot of it has been literally bulldozed off the face of the earth :confused:

In other news, the Prairie Potawatomi got some land back in IL, their home land.

I would LOVE LOVE for the Citizen Potawatomi to get land back in Indiana. I could never move and live in Oklahoma (sorry/not sorry. There is a reason they moved us down there, though the heat is my main complaint.) I could see myself re-locating to Indiana someday.


The historical society will get it back. The club has already lost the right to keep the land, it is down to them honoring the purchase price that they had agreed to, in writing, when the lease was last signed. The club has also already been found to be in violation of several major terms of the lease and could be removed if that’s how the historical society wanted to do it. The historical society is trying to play nice so nothing gets destroyed.

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