Trickle-down kids' TV: Sesame Street will air on HBO 9 months before PBS

You argument, while citing the names of logical fallacies, is also 100% contentless.

Is watching someone nine months later actually, literally, factually different (not “for all intents and purposes” or “effectively”), yes it is. Was Sesame St. specifically crafted to educate children and then lauded as being remarkably effective at doing so? Yes it was. Are poorer children less likely to have HBO? Yes they are.

Poor children. Education. Different.

You don’t think that difference matters, i.e., you don’t care about that difference.

I get it. Durr hurr hurr I’m dumb. You actually, really don’t care about that difference. You are sure it doesn’t matter in the real world. I disagree, and you don’t care. Am I wrong?