Trippy music video tears down the Barbie façade

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Barbie has no facade - what you see is what you get.

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I came here to post this video.

I think the imagery in “Intertwined” is more effective than in “Love Without Anger.” And i loves me some Devo.

That was beautiful. It’d be remiss to not mention that it owes a huge debt to Todd Haynes’ “Superstar,” his brilliant 1983 film of the Karen Carpenter story told entirely with Barbie dolls. The film was banned (after lawsuits from both Matel and the Carpenter estate) and long unavailable but can now be seen here:

Haynes studied semiotics in college, which sounds like a joke but deeply informs “Superstar”…and this “Intertwined” video & song as well.

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Of course my brain full of useless information immediately went to this:

ETA: My apologies to … well, everyone, actually.

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I enjoyed this way too much

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