Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/09/14/trippy-roll-cloud-hovers-o.html
The explanation behind that type of cloud formation is fascinating. See, it all starts with
Oh yeah I saw that cloud wall, it thundered, churned, flowed, boiled, crackled, screamed, and sang, when I saw it. It spat out a white horse that galloped along the beach for a bit, making a series of rapid jumps that seemed to come closer - if not ever succeeding - at launching it into space. With the last jump it cleared a dune and a small summer house.
After a bit you become used to the cloud wall, and you forget about it, and finally, because it is easier than dealing with the implications of such a divine separation between our earth and the heavens you start to deny it even exists.
Look there’s a zombie trying to scratch Martin Luther King’s neck.
Faster, @Falcor! The Nothing is almost upon us!
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