Trooper pulls couple over for speeding, ends up saving their baby's life

Originally published at: Trooper pulls couple over for speeding, ends up saving their baby's life | Boing Boing


good cop story for a change.


Training is important. It is a shame that police training doesn’t appear to focus on useful stuff like this.


But…did they end up getting a ticket?


He still shot them, but they got to choose where.


Hopefully they didn’t get ticketed…


From my time sitting on a jury, I learned that it’s legal to speed under certain circumstances such as when your life is endangered - the caveat being that you can’t endanger others while doing so.


Sort of. It’s not that it’s legal, it’s that you are arguing that breaking the law in that specific case was required. It’s called the necessity defense. In short, it’s saying, “Yes, I broke the law, but it was necessary because … .” Whether or not that defense will convince a judge or jury in a specific case is highly fact dependent, so things like whether or not you put anyone else in danger by breaking the law will impact that. I remember one case we studied in law school involved someone driving while intoxicated after their spouse (or maybe child, I forget) had some medical emergency. The necessity defense did not work, in that case, because the court decided they had other options, like calling 9-1-1, that they didn’t try, and driving drunk put other people in danger, so it outweighed the help they were trying to provide to their loved one.


former firefighter and EMT

This is not just the story’s key, it’s the key to proper policing. We need compassionate cops instead of brutal bullies.


So not acab? That’s really good to know.

When I had my should be dead look at that white light heart attack I made the foolish decision to have my wife drive me to the hospital. In my defense I had no idea how close I was to death.

We learned, while my wife may have got me there faster, (probably a good thing I was out of it) an ambulance would have been able to start life saving procedures immediately. I now have the number for 911 memorized.

That being said, where I live, I probably would have put the baby in the car as well. When it’s your child in distress you do anything to get them help. Sometimes not thinking clearly.

On the other hand lots of people have to weigh the cost of an ambulance and an ER visit when making those decisions.


Is it not 911?


Ambulances can always meet you along the road somewhere. So, in your case, maybe it didn’t matter a lot (you lived) but if, say, these parents lived in a rural area where the ambulance would’ve had to drive 45 min to them, then turn around and drive 1hr to a hospital it would make sense to call, explain your route, and have the ambulance service meet you along the way.

Kid’s with respiratory distress need to be taken very seriously. It can be a very rapid decline from “they’re having quite a bit of trouble” to “not breathing”.

To know if your child may be in respiratory distress, look for the following signs and symptoms (Picture 1):

  • Pale or bluish skin color - Check around the lips, eyes, hands and feet, especially the nail beds.!
  • Increased breathing rate - Count the number of breaths for one minute. Is your child breathing faster than usual?
  • Retractions - Check to see if the chest pulls in with each breath, especially around the collarbone and around the ribs.
  • Nasal flaring - Check to see if nostrils widen when breathing in.
  • Noisy breathing - Listen for breathing that sounds like grunting
    (“Ugh” sound), wheezing or like mucus is in the throat.
  • Clammy skin – Feel your child’s skin to see if it is cool but also sweaty. The head may be sweaty while the skin feels cool or clammy.
  • Mood change – Check to see if your child is sleepier, difficult to wake, fussier than usual, or “just not acting like himself.”

More like him and less like the others, please.



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