"Trump 2024: The Loser Loses Again" is a MAGA sequel you don't want to miss

Genius! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This feels more on point than ever…


Drawn to it like flies to shit.


Maybe it’ll be the primaries that were stolen?

(I think he claimed there was cheating in 2015-2016, until he was winnig, because of course he did.)


the problem is that they don’t want to back the Democratic agenda, because they have members who push for things they find unacceptable - like corporations and the wealthy paying taxes, regulation of business, and protections for workers. They back the GOP because they support tax cuts for them. They don’t want to only “back a winner” they want to back people who will ensure that they can act with impunity.




Well, we listened to Jon Stewart, and we stayed home and didn’t vote because none of us thought the US was stupid enough to vote for that bigoted asshole.

There is danger in cultivating complacency.


This is a crucial point. Too many leftish people, once a crisis is averted (e.g. no Red Wave) have a tendency to breathe a sigh of relief and sit back as if it were all over. It’s just starting. Fox is shedding Trump, for now anyway, and elevating Darth Santis as their next ubermensch. CNN, NPR, etc., who only understand two-party horse races, are following suit. Trump is gone; bring in the next contestant.

Trump will not be gone until he croaks. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later. Even then the evil he and his enablers have inflicted on this country will live after him. Fascists own countless state offices. Fascist judges sit on the Federal bench. Fascists dominate the Supreme Court. Fascists control a huge swath of the broadcast and print media. Fascists have retaken the House and will continue to do everything in their power to halt progress and create permanent one-party rule.

The fight isn’t over. The next two years will be even more important than the last two in determining what sort of country we’ll have. No one who is not a GQP-er can afford to stay home. If the GQP want to stay home, more power to them, but don’t count on it.


Is there a missing /s tag there?

If not… who’s “we”?

20221108_200414 i voted sticker


Is that pronounced Mag-Gag-uh or Maga-Guh?


We liberals. Speaking for me and my friends IRL.

ETA: I’ve voted in every election since I became eligible to vote. So, yes, I voted in 2016.


Well we can’t change the past, but hopefully we can learn from our errors.

In my completely unscientific opinion I think the SNL with Tom Hanks just prior to the election of 2016 didnt help get the vote out. The Black Jeopardy skit where Hanks played a MAGA contestant presented him in an “aw shucks he’s not that different” style, which I think may have influenced a few people to stay home.

I did vote though.


I guess that I should have been more clear that I was being sarcastic, and was just making fun of the “three time loser” headline.

As you pointed out, they don’t really care about being popular, they just want to win.

You’re right, the fight isn’t over. In fact, it’s never really going to be over. It reaches a head every two years, but it is continuous. We on the left can catch our breath, and be glad for a moment that a red wave was averted. However, everything is going to be starting up again very soon.

The fact that corporations and the rich can plow huge amounts of money into politics to further their agendas has just made everything worse.

Also, a awful lot of GQP candidates lost by small margins given the absolute batshit craziness of their positions. Just a few years ago, candidates with those types of views would have been absolutely destroyed in the primaries.

That’s why god made the sarcasm tag. As this is text based communication, it is your friend!


Wait, for reals?

Well, I hope you and your friends learned an important lesson at least. Though I struggle to comprehend how anyone who identifies as a “liberal” could choose complacency when there’s an actual fascist on the ballot.


Edited my post to say that I voted. I suspect a lot of folks assumed Hillary would win and stayed home.


I’m going with the first one.



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