Trump and his allies plan to make him a dictator, reports NY Times

And this where we disagree. The implication is that the differences are for show, and functionally without meaning. Except if one is trans, then the differences are literally life and death. Or a woman, whose rights to her own body are apparently up for debate. Or Black, LGBTQ, immigrant, poor and so on. For straight, cis, white guys with money in the bank, i might agree, it doesn’t matter much who is in power. Thing is, that is said from a position of extreme privilege, so much so that it does not even see the privilege. Yes, for me, personally, it won’t matter much who is in charge. I will be fine. Personally, that is. But i have family members, friends, people i care deeply about who are in those catagories. They have to care, the outcome will affect them deeply and personally. I have that privilege, but i see it and refuse to let it blind me to what is happening to my loved ones who do not. As i said, i would prefer the Dems to be actual progressives, rather than a center-right party such as they are. But in the US we have a pretty fixed, 2-party system, and the other party is openly fascist, seeks to establish a Christofascist, authoritarian dictatorship. Given the options, i choose center-right, knowing i and mine at least have a voice at the table rather than a spot in the camps. It really is that simple. And i will work to move the party leftward. Because the alternative is absolutely unthinkable.