Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s emails. Within 24 hours, Russians attacked her accounts

He got the same number of votes as Romney. He didn’t mobilize the R base, he just showed up. The Republican (and Russian) strategy was never to “get the vote out,” it was to suppress and demoralize the opposition voters. And it worked.


I’ll admit to being one of those; I said the problem was she wouldn’t win, and thus we’d have President Trump.

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to have peaceful and mutually beneficial diplomatic and commercial relationships with the United States. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

But she did win. I don’t mean the popular vote, but without interference, she would have won the electoral college as well. In the swing states that Trump won by a small number of votes, many times that number of people were turned away from voting. Part of that may have been down to the Russians getting into voter rolls - changing even a middle initial would have been enough to get people turned away. And they did this with the Cambridge Analytica data that told them exactly how people were going to vote.

That’s what they want - because it would mean they wouldn’t be getting held to account for state-sponsored murder, invading countries, etc. …


Obviously personal relations aren’t the same as international diplomacy, but I value the opinions of my friends more than those of my enemies. I’ve occasionally been known to do stuff out of temper, just to spite my enemies; and I often do stuff for my friends for no reason other than मुदिता.

With countries, allies challenge each other’s “bad behavior” by the threat - or the act - of chilling relations. That obviously doesn’t work if relations are already chilled - defrosting them has the opposite effect of rewarding the country for misbehavior.


I feel like the parts that followed are just as important: after stealing gigabytes of correspondence, Russia gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks, which were leaked on the same day as the embarrassing revelations of Trump’s Access Hollywood recording. Press outlets then contrived any sort of framing that would allow the stolen correspondence to be framed as whistle-blowing, rather than naked kompromat, because one of those is the act of someone speaking truth to power, and the other is an abuse of power by an adversarial state, and the press would hate to think of themselves as being played so transparently. Lastly, despite evidence of kompromat being clearer by the day, confirmed by virtually every US intelligence agency, the press continued to report of the contents of the stolen DNC emails until election day, under the mistaken impression that HRC was an electoral lock, and that the internecine squabbles revelaved in those emails would illuminate the struggles within the inevitable HRC administration.

Fifth estate, amirite?

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First black president? You do know there’s black DNA in many Presidents?

Or is Huffpo incorrect in their assertion? -->

I keep thinking about the Victoria Nuland phone call.

I think the Farm Bill is what the anti-Russian bready circus is currently supposed to be distracting people from.   Media coverage will keep Democrats focused on calls for limiting political speech by foreigners, while Republicans gut environmental and social welfare programs.

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