Trump could be put in jail for his attacks on NFL players

And what exactly is the mechanism for ordinary Americans to hold a POTUS accountable?


It’s the same as it’s always been.

Sustained, massive, non-violent non-destructive disruptive civil disobedience. Targeted at the money of the 0.01%. Shut the country down. It isn’t a protest, it’s a revolution.

Look to St Louis for a demonstration of how. Or Argentina.

This is not a fun or easy solution. But it’s the only one available.


Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Also; elections

White supremacists are in control of electoral administration in the majority of states. International watchdogs had already downgraded the USA to semi-democratic status before the Trumpists took power.

By the time the midterms roll around, the red states will be no more democratic than Putin’s Russia.

There’s also the point that very large numbers of Iranians and Koreans are likely to be dead by then. Probably quite a lot of Americans, too.


The government isn’t what elevated him.


find me one that isn’t flawed, eh?

The current list is here, BTW:


that looks like a list of flawed democracies. I don’t see a perfect ‘one’ (I asked for one) on the list (more than one) which you responded with.

I’ll chalk the exaggeration up to exuberance at seeing the US taken down a notch?

Eh? I wasn’t claiming anything about anywhere else; just providing the source that the earlier link didn’t include.

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Surely you’re not laboring under the impression that US elections are as fair as those of other developed nations?


no, I labor under the impression they are as unfair as most of those, and the notion of ‘imperfection’ means ‘human’ in most contexts. A perfect democracy sounds as terrifying as a perfect autocracy.

My familiarity with John Adams leads me to believe he wasn’t designing a perfect system, because he knew it wasn’t to be run by or for perfect people. He designed a flawed system, where the flaws overlap one another and all the power is never supposed to be in one set of hands. And it isn’t.

Now, when we’re done looking for outcomes we can put on pedestals, maybe we in the US can pull together and solve this nonsense?

They got Capone for tax evasion.

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Why? Articulate why the unwashed masses are not as good as their betters to decide their own fate.


In a perfect democracy, the unwashed masses wouldn’t have been raised on right-wing propaganda for decades…


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