Trump 'Crazy': President described by fired FBI director Comey as 'outside realm of normal'

pah, Tomato, Potato. It’s all Nightshades anyway.


You know, they actually would be … and popcorn sales would be YOOGE! too :smiley:

Dear Republican House members,
We the great unwashed (now) realize that all that motivates you is accumulated wealth for you and your donor class. Given that, you should be aware that you have notably less chance of getting your tax cut bills approved given the current embattled trump administration. Your venal interests would be far better served with a Pence administration. So, even accepting the sad fact that you no longer represent the interests of your constituents (because gerrymandering), nor your constitutional oaths to protect the republic from foreign influence, it would best serve your pure avarice to conduct an impeachment on president trump.
–The majority of the citizens of this already great nation.


I’ve seen people from Indiana calling him “Mike Dense”.

Of course, even if he’s a kind of dim bulb and a bungling manager, he’s still better than Trump.


Hooray. So now we’re even more fucked -_-

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Hm… maybe this is a new phenomenon then.

But to be fair, Nixon got ran out of office for serious and obvious corruption. Could be that reaming Nixon was an aberration because of Watergate.

He reamed Nixon when he was running for POTUS against JFK; it was prior to Watergate.

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OH! But that’s prior to him becoming president. I wonder if it was before or after the Checkers speech!

I can’t find my copy of “Plain Speaking” at the moment, but I’m pretty sure it was during the 1960 election campaign.

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Oh yeah. The financial controveries that prompted the Checkers speech and the TV debate against Kennedy certainly sunk Nixon’s chances at being president that year. And who knew he’d come back 8 years later! Look how well that turned out for us! :wink:

I should read Plain Speaking at some point… I’m not a presidential historian, but that could be a useful primary source.

I found the book, right after I typed that post, of COURSE. Here’s a great gem about Pat Brown and Nixon, made during the interviews, which were conducted in 1962, I believe, but published in 1973 or '74:
“I talked to Pat Brown on the phone the other day, and I told him every time he makes a speech he loses ten thousand votes. If you’re running against Nixon you don’t have to say anything. You don’t even have to get out of bed in the morning to beat him. My goodness, if I ever had a chance to run against him, it would’ve been the easiest campaign I ever had.” (chuckles dryly)

Nixon and Lloyd C. Stark were the only two men in politics that Truman hated.

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Obviously that’s out of the question for Trump. But resigning because he’s already accomplished everything he meant to accomplish as president and it’s time to hand things off to the very capable Pence and move on to other great things? Yeah, Trump might do that.


I respectfully disagree. If he thinks - it doesn’t have to be true, he just has to think it is - that resigning would actually increase his prestige somehow, he might do it.

Or else his current mental state will affect his physiology so much that he’ll either have to resign or explode.

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Sorry my tone can’t translate over the internet. I was just imagining what Trump’s publicly stated reason might be if he did resign. “It’s been fantastic, a fantastic presidency. The best. I did more in 137 days than any other president did in two terms. It’s time for me to move on to other things.”


Oh, now that makes sense!

Hopefully followed by “And this way to your cell Mr Trump.”


Awesome! Thanks!

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Also, her middle name starts with a “Q.”
That’s just not natural.


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