Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/01/31/trump-draws-is-an-excellent-on.html
I don’t care for it. The imputed drawing skills aren’t insulting enough.
Nice. You only have to track it once.
Somehow it makes me like him even less.
Stupid fucker can’t even draw well!
The horse weren’t peeing.
So, if Bannon wasn’t writing these EOs this is pretty much all we’d get then outta this guy?
The turkey is appropriately tiny.
I’m surprised that you can get almost 100k followers on a fresh Twitter account so quickly.
As an artist, I resent the probably unintentional implication that drawing is “so easy” that even Trump should be able to do it.
Point taken.
Let me clarify:
I don’t like Donald Trump.
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
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