Trump elected president

So yeah bets on the Electoral College going HELL NO!?

I never said it made sense.


This is the second time they’ve fucked us in 16 years.


With the party released from the Clintons’ vampire grip, I believe there will be several good ones.


Yes, and the saddest part is that it did not have to be that way.


Whitelash, according to Van Jones.


This wasn’t the outcome I wanted, or expected, but I’m feeling unexpectedly resilient about the election result. Trump is a boob, and it’s unclear to me whether he’ll be the GOP’s puppet or something less ridiculous than he seems – BUT at least this way, we aren’t looking at 4 full years of bullshit Benghazi and email hearings and other obstructionist shenanigans. The GOP tried more than sixty (60) times to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This time, they will probably actually do it … but with what will they replace it? The ACA was RomneyCare with an Obama sticker on it. Take a look at Trump’s “Contract With America” (what an original name there), and note all the weasel words about the things they’ll do. I want to believe that at least some of Obama’s legacy will remain, and surely this joker isn’t a complete traitor to American ideals. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

BTW poster Oldtaku is speaking the truth here, this was HRC’s race to lose.

Let’s let the GOP try their hand at governing. If they overreach, they’re out next time around, assuming Trump makes it through the whole term.



At the very least, the Republican come-apart that seems to be on hold, will resume soon enough if he sticks to his guns. He’s pissed off a bunch of people in his party, and the party seems to still be committed to cutting the national debt. Trump ran on a platform of tax cuts and spending increases.

Many of the 320 million are not eligible to vote so the percentage is quite a bit higher. But that said, the percentage is no where near high enough and your point is well taken.

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This adds nothing to the discussion. Just a pic of our new President if he didn’t have his trademark frightwig.


There was a time when I thought the most offensive thing I would ever experience was when I clicked on a Goatsee link. Now look what’s happened.


Also a pic of some of his voters.


Great article. He nails boingboing with pinpoint accuracy.

Faced with the prospect of an election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton,
the smug will reach a fever pitch:

six straight months of a sure thing, an opportunity to mock and scoff and ask,
How could anybody vote for this guy?

until a morning in November when they ask, What the fuck happened?


You’re critiquing others for being smug?



I know Sanders had lots of positions that would have been easy targets in the general election. But…here, during the primaries, this place was covered with Sanders signs. Everywhere.

After the primaries, they weren’t replaced by Clinton ones. I hardly ever saw a Clinton bumper sticker (I’ve literally seen more Giant Meteor ones). You can argue all you like about why she wasn’t popular (and the vote in WA looks like it has held up, from what I can see), but she doesn’t appear to have been openly popular even up here in funky liberal Seattle.

Pick a candidate who isn’t popular, whatever her other merits are, and she’s going to struggle in a popular vote.


“OK, build the wall. But first, can we turn it about 90 degrees and put it a few hundred miles from the coast?” -California


Explain the term “drain the swamp” please. I have only heard this being described with platitudes at this point.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos (not really, third party, in a state that voted blue by a comfortable margin, so keep your accusations of throwing votes away to yourself).