Trump elected president

I think they’ll do what they always do, which is roll over for a stronger personality.


Sure if you’re white and not obviously not fitting in with the social and cultural norms. I live here and I’ve lived in more rural parts of GA. People are nice, up until they figure out they can get away with hurting you if you don’t fit in.


That’s great. I’m glad you’re so kind as well as your kids. However, there are plenty of people in the south who will not do that for the “wrong” kind of people. You might not see it, but I have. Please don’t assume that everyone is like you and will always do the right thing for everyone.


Okay, it took me a while to process this, and I came to this conclusion:

I’m not mad or sad about Donald Trump becoming President; for the DNC brought this upon themselves.

I’m more concern about the complete takeover of the Republican Party in both Congress and the Senate. Now some, if not most of his policies will come true: especially the promise of protecting the Fossil Fuel Industry from the “Evils” of the Paris Climate Agreement.


I cannot bring myself to like your comment, while much of what you say could very well come to pass, I refuse to believe that it will, I am at heart a idealist. I am a Millennial, I never trusted Clinton, but I voted for her anyways. I trust activists, scientists, researchers, idealists, freedom fighters, and the laws of physics, not politicians. I trust Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, MLK, Stephen Hawking, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Che Guevara, Diego Rivera, and so many more. I will not lie down while others are persecuted and god damnit, I refuse to believe that this country which has fought threw so much shit (slavery, segregation, women’s right to vote, 2 world wars, vietnam, etc.) will just let Donald Trump roll over us to implement his insanity.

You may need a short essay to summarize your thoughts, but all I need is a song. Will you be in the streets with us or accepting defeat from behind your computer?


I remember visiting the south when I was younger and remarking to a very elegant older lady how friendly everyone there was. “Only to your face, hon” she replied with a somewhat pitying smile. “Only to your face.”


Recessions are driven by economic policy. There is a reason we had a pretty even economy for quite a while before the great deregulation, and that was because we had a system which allowed from trade but had some regulation in place. The time we were at our most prosperous as a country, economically, was when we had the most progressive tax system (and we were selling our goods and creating markets abroad to help Europe and Japan rebuild).


We’ve known each other for years in meatspace, and I love you dearly; you know this.

But there was a reason I had no intention of talking to you, on today of all days:

I know that it will only bum me the fuck out even more.

I’ll call you in a few days when I can actually deal.

Right now, it’s just too fresh.


That’s an impressive double-standard, given how you engage in similar stereotyping on a routine basis. So it’s okay for you to do to others, but you find it unacceptable when its applied to people who resemble yourself?


Well that’s part of the reason Trump won the primaries, for years conservative pundits like Limbaugh and Hannity and worse (Michael Savage) have preached the kind of angry selfish ideas that Trump turned into policy proposals, whereas typical GOP politicians would dance around them or pay lip service to them but never actually deliver, either because they knew those kinds of policies were bad, or because they were worried about re-election. Now they have the opportunity to pass those ridiculous policies, and their voters will be watching. Plus if Trump himself backs out of his promises (which he could very well do), how will those voters feel?

I don’t get the impression many conservatives are super proud of W’s time in office, even if they occasionally defend him in a purely partisan way. Obama probably wouldn’t have been elected without the hapless Presidency of George W. Bush.

As for Chris Christie, he could still face indictment or impeachment in the next couple months, since two of his aids (who were found guilty) testified he knew of the G.W. Bridge lane closings.


Nah, it’s only bad when us smug LIBTARDS do it to good white christian men. If only we’d let them be the only first citizens again, they’d be nicer to us… /s


Okay, some of it were good, some of it were bad. Hell, George W. Bush agreed that Climate Change is real, and he send his cronies to the middle east so that his VP buddy can strike a deal for his oil company. I applaud you sir Trump, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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This times a thousand. A lot of people are hurting hardcore right now, and many who have to face real-life consequences thanks to this ultimate fuckup of dystopian nightmares. Sticking people’s nose in the metaphorical shit is just so not appropriate right now.

Preparing to throw the emperor down the reactor shaft is.


I dunno, I was told repeatedly Obama would destroy America and so far nothing. Lazy good for nothing politicians.

And given Trumps track record at managing to get things done successfully, I am not so sure he can pull of 1/10th of what he plans to do.

Maybe I’m just being optimistic.


Make America Great Again!


He is a rubber stamp to all the shit that the Republican controlled house and senate will send his way with all the speed they can make.

Obama didn’t get much done because congress didn’t do shit and blocked a lot of things he tried very hard to get done.


Comment of the year material here.


She did, though, in her stump speech; she learned that much from her loss in 2008. However, the US media didn’t carry any news about Clinton other than emails and Benghazi and the Goldman speeches. They hardly even carried that; it was mainly all Trump all the time.


Obama enjoyed a good majority for a bit. Wasted it all away, him and the Clintonite people he cut deals with.

The target should stop being the individual ambitions of this or that guy, and to develop a cohesive and aggressive set of policies to retake a stable majority in Congress for decades as Democrats used to have.


But at least CNN made lots of money. That’s what’s important here.