Trump elected president

Evangelicals are now OK with Republican candidates who cheat on their spouses just as long as they don’t say “oh science yes!” as they climax.


I was a week behind on the Daily show. Last night I watched a couple of the pre-election shows. It’s brutally painful to watch knowing what shit show lies ahead. They all seem so innocent.


That does not conflict with my statement. I went to school in Texas, and enjoyed it. One of the rules we had to follow was to greet everyone who we made eye contact with.
My original comment was a response to a comment about how southerners are terrible people, as a group. I do not find that my experiences here match that view. I was not commenting on any other place. And Texas counts as the south, in my view.

Whether they personally identify as racists or not, every one of those 59 million people just endorsed a racist candidate who ran on an overtly racist platform. Every. Single. One.


This is the scary thing for me, the part that overwhelms any abstract argument about economic policy or whateverthefuck. trump’s Kapos (thank you for that, @bibliophile20) are normalizing their racism such that “Black man choked to death by cops b/c he was selling cigarettes” will revert back to “Black market thug is brought to justice”.

Sarah Kendzior on Twitter is another spot-on commentator about this:

Lastly, for anyone protesting the rise of trump, be careful out there, and utilize smart tools to best protect yourself from the state security apparatus:


Ya know, there is a sense I agree with that. I mean, I have come across those who argue that ALL white people are innately racist.

So maybe you have a point.

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Social justice terrifies the old white men who pull the strings, of course.


But they’re not. Their ancestors picked up and moved a much greater distance and worked much more menial jobs in order to survive. And gave up even more of their life/wealth/possessions to do so.

The real complaint is that our society is no longer giving them an automatic walk to first base to start out with.

They could go to a trade school or community college to get training in a new field. They could take classes online, using the local public library’s computers to do so. Cost: $0, but it takes elbow grease and planning.

It’s an excuse, not a reason.



You would love living on the south side of Chicago, then.

it’s always a culture shock to go to the north side and realize that most of the people there avoid looking at anyone else, even if they’re about to crash into them on the sidewalk or in a store aisle. It’s incredibly disrespectful. It feels like no one else exists in their own little bubbles.



Society gives those walks cos without it there is no reason for the majority to allow “society” to exist. No one earns their good fortune. And we may have to go back and relearn the lessons of the 20th century so that people forget about “markets”. Legitimacy is how well “the people” are doing. When they are doing badly enough they will come for those who make their living off their back.

You and I both know that the police would be happier giving a black/jew a kicking than defending their “property rights”. After all, they are usually the same people who have nothing except for their police pension.

You cant tell them you beat them fair and square and they should have gotten an education. You are your brothers keeper.

Please show me daylight between the racist foreign policy of the Dems and Republicans at any point in modern history (including the Cold War). Imperialism, with a strong undercurrent of racism, is the bread and butter of US foreign policy. Do you honestly think Trump is going to cut ties with the Saudis of over their war in Yemen or Somalia or Pakistan? Really? While Obama certainly has the blood of innocent people on his hands, SO DO ALL AMERICAN ADMINISTRATIONS IN RECENT HISTORY… much of that blood being the blood of people from the global south. Trump is going to try and walk back our deal with Iran and will further entangle us in Syria. If you think other wise, you’re just blind to reality.


No of course not. But look at the post I was responding to.

Trump said a lot of things. I have no idea what he will do but he clearly isnt bound by what he said cos half of it makes no sense or is impossible. Build a wall? Is he kidding?

And you make a fine point. I happen to really dislike R2P cos it seems obviously Imperialism blended with a spicing of holier than thou.

I suspect on Syria Trump will be less neocon than HRC. But overall I entirely agree with you. Its not like it was the ethics which bothered him.

I’m so delighted that my only option for getting away from Trump is Brexit Island.


I feel like this is buying into the technocrat/corporatist ideas that got America into this mess. Go to the public library? Public libraries are shutting their doors all over the country because of a funding crisis. America’s social mobility is pitiful. If you find yourself in a bad economic situation in America, the reality is that while you can try to get out of it, but you will more likely than not fail. And no one will tell your story of failure, they only tell the stories of the successes.

Voting for Trump hasn’t helped this, it’s hard to imagine it hasn’t made it hugely worse. But America has been carrying on with the consolidate-power-in-as-few-people-as-possible plan for decades now. The political and expert classes failed to lead people to a better future and they are not being consulted on the next phase of the solution (that is, the continued complete lack of a solution).


Well, it’s a more charitable explanation than the one from @peregrinus_bis, which basically boils down to “gullible do-gooder”.

I agree with your points but I think they’re orthogonal to mine, not in opposition.


Always a local angle:


I think that what you are describing here is a possible outcome of the democratic party. But the party is not the left and doesn’t particularly represent them. The democrats speciality over the past 30+ years is to channel the efforts of the left down ineffectual avenues.