Trump gets curious about cocaine and comedian Theo Von hilariously enlightens him (video)

Originally published at: Trump gets curious about cocaine and comedian Theo Von hilariously enlightens him (video) - Boing Boing


Via Allan Rose Hill


How embarrassing. Donald Trump has so little respect for his own sons that he didn’t even consult them on the one topic Junior is an expert in.


His new campaign issue is going to be b*tching about the low quality of the cocaine coming over the border.


When Joe Rogan is too intellectually rigorous, Theo Von is there to meet the market’s needs.


Trump never tried cocaine in his club days? :thinking:


Or share with Jr.

Who am I kidding. Jr. would never share.


That’s honestly the most real I think I’ve ever seen Trump. Like the tiniest sliver of humanity poking through.


Nah. His curiosity about cocaine is just a side affect of his growing realization that snorting crushed up adderall isn’t working as well these days.


No, I disagree. It wouldn’t surprise me if he abuses prescription drugs, but he has a real aversion to illicit drugs and alcohol due to his brother. I’ve seen a few other interviews where it mentioned him. I think watching his brother fuck up his life and die early had an effect on him.


He also might just be too much of a control freak to give up any part of his mind or body to recreational substances, even for a moment. He’d probably see it as a weakness, like wearing something other than a suit and tie or showing affection to a family member.


If he sees it as weakness, it probably has more to do with Fred Sr. being a teetotaler and him disparaging Fred Jr for his drinking, than some sort of personal discipline. But who knows.

I mean, he wears polos all the time on the golf course. Ack, now I am thinking about the tennis shorts. Thanks!

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Yes, but he always cheats. Maybe Sniffy has convinced himself that Adderal isn’t a real drug (“They give it to kids!”), it’s just an edge. No hard proof that he does, but that seemed like a lot of projection against Biden being “juiced up”.

However, if he’s hit diminishing returns, and if he knows that he’s losing it, he might be tempted by something stronger “just until the election, and then I’ll quit, because of course I can”.

He’s not used to cocaine, and his expert advisor is … Jr?, so that would be kind of interesting to see.

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You could see him trying to figure out what word to use here. And the fact that he didn’t go with (my opinion) the more usual word “high” is… interesting.


Is this about to turn into a weird sequel to Cocaine Bear?


I don’t believe the brother thing - It’s a good story but would anyone be shocked if he made his reaction up to seem more hardcore?

It’s all unprovable, but that guy is up to his gills in drugs from what various assistants have said. And as others have brought up, it could all be chemically related drugs but not the ones with the low-class names.


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