Trump goes it alone on North Korea. What could go wrong, other than nuclear war?

I am reminded of the perfect quote from a classic film - 51st State (known as Formula 51, in the US)
A: well, Trump happens
B: no, Trump does NOT just happen, Trump takes time, Trump takes effort!


I was thinking, this thing could be pulled off with translators converting and tweaking translations. But then I realized, pretty sure Kim knows English. Or at least enough of it that if Trump flubs its up, the translator can’t smooth it over.

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Is it just me, or is that a reassuring, comforting thought?


I believe they called it a Police Action


is not just you

But does he know Jersey English?

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A thing I learned while working in Switzerland: Kim was educated there. I’d wager he speaks German, and French, probably fluently.

I wouldn’t be the least surprised if the talks would take place in Geneva. The BBC commentators dismissed this idea earlier, but to Kim, it’s a bit like coming home.



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Yes I knew he was Swiss educated, and that he spoke several languages. I am thinking he knows English at least well enough to understand Trumps insults. He isn’t the mad idiot painted to be any more than Stalin was.


Oh, seriously, one thing probably does not exclude the other. Because, well, you can say the same about Trump.

Also, no Evil Genius. Even if he does speak several languages.

Because they are easier to appease.

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Goes it alone on North Korea:

The only proof I need of this is Orange Julius calling him a mad idiot.

Guy is batting .000 on facts.


I don’t know how you view the situation in North Korea but I see it as a humanitarian crisis that has been largely ignored because of the China - US power politics in the region for a long time. There are US military bases in South Korea, and North Korea acts as a buffer zone between them and mainland China. For this reason China has had an interest in supporting the North Korean regime to allow the country to remain a hermit nation.

This dynamic has been changing somewhat recently but, also in my opinion, the recent escalation in military display from NK and their increased demonstration of nuclear capability are nothing new: like isomorphic pointed out this is directly out of their playbook. Build up tension, and when the world notices promise to play nice in exchange for foreign aid.

I don’t like the US imperialism and interventionism but I feel like in this case it would unfortunately be the only way to help relieve the humanitarian crisis in North Korea and perhaps open up the country via cultural change so that in the future the living conditions for North Korean people improve.

I am not an analyst however, just stating my impressions of the situation there. I lived 3 years in South Korea where I worked as a sound engineer on 2 documentaries featuring North Korean refugees who lived there, and a documentary on US military expansion in East Asia (


Why would South Korea not be able to handle this task? They share a more common culture, and a language. SK is in an economic boom right now.

It is a little curious that China hasn’t either helped or kept NK under a tighter leash. I know that that NKs crossing into China has been an issue they would rather not have. And yes, they like NK being a buffer, similar to the Iron Curtain. What’s more, they want as few US and allied troops on Mainland Asia as possible. it seems it would behoove them to not give the US any justification to increase their presence beyond what it is.

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Kim Jong Un’s going to legitimize Trump?


How about sending Ms. Sanders along; she’s been good enough for the U.S., no?

Trump: “I will nuke your ass back to the stone age!”
Sanders: “What the president is trying to say is that we might be able to lift some sanctions on your country if you can demonstrate a concerted effort to dismantle your nuclear program”


But Kissinger is a war criminal, so there’s that.


Well, again I’m not an expert on the subject but from what I’ve understood is that South Korea would be more than willing to enter talks with North Korea, it’s just that NK has cut off diplomatic ties and is only willing to speak on their own terms. The Kaesong industrial complex was closed a couple of years ago, I’m not sure what’s happening with that at the moment.

The difference, at least with Cuba, is that Cuba never threatened to blow us to kingdom come just days before Obama agreed to meet.

Oh right, I forgot about that. If they are willing to use the US as part of the process, then you’re right the US is probably their best bet for working something out.

I sincerely hope that some positive resolution is made. I truly hope Trump is able to fashion some sort of agreement. I don’t have a lot of faith in that, but my disdain for Trump shouldn’t be put over the overall well being of the peoples of NK and SK.

Fun fact - my aunt is from Korea.