Trump goes it alone on North Korea. What could go wrong, other than nuclear war?

That and Cuba hasn’t been a real thorn in our side since the 60s or maybe the 70s. In all honestly, NO ONE at the time thought the embargo would last that long. IIRC Kennedy ordered a year or two supply of cigars before it went into effect.

Anyway - there is no rational reason to continue excluding Cuba.


Trump’s plan is to go to North Korea, activate God Mode, and punch everyone in the country to death.



I dunno, is he going to be able to enter the cheat code buttons fast enough with those tiny hands?


May be of interest:

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This year, North Korea enjoyed an exceptionally good harvest, which for the first time in more than two decades will be sufficient to feed the country’s entire population.

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Trump goes to north Korea…what could go wrong? I get images of a herd of Meth fueled Chimpanzees with AR15’s trying to make nice their counterparts of red assed baboons…or something similarly reasonable

Means that they join a small club of countries.

For instance, the only country in Europe that’s self-sufficient in food is France.


Welcome to BoingBoing!


Exactly. It is like Trump has not been reading or watching the news for the last 30 years.

Except we know he has. Even if it is Fox News.

Maybe he ignored a bunch of it because he was friends with the Clintons and didn’t hate Bush? I have no other explanation. Because NK is nothing if not consistent; same shit, different day.

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Those countries don’t have to. They have access to international markets - including the common European market, which for all practical purposes counts as a single agricultural area. But if you view the Kim dynasty primarily as brave warriors against capitalism, there isn’t much we have to say to each other.

…because they haven’t been under siege for seventy years.

It is possible to have a nuanced view of North Korea without subscribing to Juche.


So which interventions did you NOT want, before they happened?


28 at most, when USSR stopped propping them up. And China is hardly besieging them.

“an economic system with severely limited scope for profit-takers and rent-seekers” doesn’t count as a nuanced view of North Korea in my book.

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“if you view the Kim dynasty primarily as brave warriors against capitalism” Now that’s ‘verbaling’.

Now have a think about why Nth Korea is such a ‘problem’ for the U.S. and the role the U.S. has played in creating the conditions as they currently exists on the Korean peninsula.

I have no idea what your knowledge of Korean history or the history of the ‘cold-war’ and U.S. foreign policy is but the situation with Nth Korea is not a simple ‘good vs evil’ scenario - as President Truman claimed when he committed U.S. troops to the Korean conflict in 1950 (in support of one dictatorship against another) . A National Security Council report in April 1950 (2 months before Nth Korean troops crossed the border) known as NSC-68, had recommended that the United States use military force to “contain” communist expansionism anywhere it seemed to be occurring, “regardless of the intrinsic strategic or economic value of the lands in question.”

Five million civilians killed in Korea and over one million deaths in Vietnam in the cause of preventing the implementation of an economic system? (The U.S. after all has allowed the continuance of non-communist dictatorships in various parts of the world.)

A big re-think beyond demonizing the Nth Korean regime is needed.


I was born under a - comparably very mild - version of the North Korean “economic system”. I can’t view it’s containment and elimination as anything but an unalloyed good and an entirely correct and prescient strategy.

What is needed is a reminder of the utter practical monstrosity of communism.

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Which one?

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Brave warriors against communism!

Would you say America killed too many people in Vietnam, or not enough?


What. Last I read they were literally cutting fetuses out of pregnant women in their camps. And, in those same camps, executing women for being pregnant, who became pregnant after being raped by the guards.

I mean, the US’ hands aren’t lily white–droning innocents, detaining at least some people at Gitmo for being brown at the wrong time and place–but I could prattle on and on about the “wonders of communism” in the center of the National Mall and no one would relocate me to the flippin’ gulag.

It may be counter-productive for the US to officially demonize the DPRK in any discussions / negotiations, but I’m going to continue demonizing the DPRK’s leadership all the same.


So where would this meeting take place? Because if Trump is stupid enough to go to N.Korea then why would rocket man not fire at the US in the mistaken belief that we would not vaporize Trump by firing back.

No, no, despite Foggy Bottom’s best endeavour, US foreign policy has always been a simple ‘good vs evil’ scenario.

But I digress from the real topic at hand: what can we offer North Korea to make sure that they keep Trump?

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