Trump had stupid argument with Vietnam veterans about Apocalypse Now

Although the two party system does not serve our Republic well at all I believe the the electoral vote is a much bigger deterrence to our nation. We would have never had Bush the lesser or trump if we just tallied the popular vote. Even then, in all three elections they had to steal it. I wish we could play back and compare how our lives would be different if Al Gore, John Kerry and HRC would have won the Presidency instead of the liars and cheaters. Yes, I know many folks say Gore, Kerry and HRC are the establishment and they are, but still, we would be living in a much different and much better world than we find ourselves in today and our future for ourselves and our children would be brighter and more equal in all aspects.

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I don’t think mental decline is the issue here, it’s basic competence at any point during his life that’s the issue. His knowledge of history comes from movies and TV and obviously the stuff he makes up himself.


Any US soldiers exposed to napalm (i.e. a giant fireball of jellied gasoline) were killed in action, not vets with health problems from exposure to an herbacide. FWIW - the scene in the movie was a flight of jet fighter/bombers, the air cav crews were surfing during the bombing run.


You can live through a napalm strike. Depends where you were, cover, luck, etc.

One of the most famous photos from the war was of a napalm survivor of friendly fire.


From what i understand on the use of flamethrowers specifically is that was mostly responsible for its efficacy was its ability to quickly displace oxygen in its path. It was apparently extremely quick in effect, particularly in underground bunkers and caves. I’m curious if napalm used in bombings may have had the same effect on displacing oxygen… though i think it raining fire is lethal enough.

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I don’t disagree, but imagine how much better candidates we would have had in the first place if our fucked-up system didn’t create such need for “palatable” candidates on the left and extremist wackjobs on the right.

And I still maintain that HRC was massively unqualified, and a huge part of her loss was because she couldn’t pull off effective astroturfing to counter the narrative. She did a little election work in her youth, then somehow went from there to being a senator because apparently being FLOTUS is somehow a job qualification (I guess Melania is next?), a job she did absolutely nothing with (seriously, she sponsored nothing and spent the whole time just curating her voting record to appear sufficiently “liberal”). She only got the SoS job by agreeing to not act as a spoiler for Obama, and then spent the last chunk of Obama’s time in office infiltrating the DNC (she helped bail them out financially in exchange for full veto power over all new hires since 2015 - and people still try and say the DNC wasn’t biased against Bernie. Wat.)

She’s not a politician, she was a damn snake trying to become a power broker. People are really, really good at detecting insincerity subconsciously (there’s actually some pretty cool research on that) and I guarantee you that her clearly being an insincere, power-seeking candidate was most of what made her vulnerable enough for Trump to even have a chance.

I’m not saying she would have been as bad as Trump, but someone who pulls shit like she did should have also been filtered out much earlier on… Except we didn’t have a viable third party for voters to switch to, so it became Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich.


“Christ on a pogo stick, I should have just thrown the stupid bastard in the Tower when I had the chance!”


Its not obviously napalm to me, but it can’t be agent orange, which is basically weed killer.

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(Watching Rope on TV)
“That looks like Jimmy Stewart!”
“It is Jimmy Stewart, Granny. This is Rope.”
“Oh that’s not Jimmy Stewart – but he sure looks like Jimmy Stewart!”
“It is Jimmy Stewart, Granny.”
“That can’t be Jimmy Stewart! He sure looks like Jimmy Stewart, though.”


Trump had stupid argument

That might as well be the daily headline during his term.


Well, it doesn’t smell like freedom. I’ll tell you that.


The nasty thing about napalm is that it sticks to anything it comes in contact with. It’s like flaming jelly - once it’s on something, it just keeps burning until it burns to nothing. Think Sterno spread across you clothes, burning away. It’s not only the ignition source, it’s also the fuel. NaPalm - Naptha and Palm oil mixed together. Gasoline and lots of Styrofoam can be used to make a home brew version (misspent youth etc.)


He is a gross disaster, but unless he wrecks the world I am glad he defeated Clinton.

I say this because Congress is wholly controlled by the GOP, and with HRC in power they would have spent all their time trying to take her down. And with the endless bogus investigations, impeachment hearings (you know we’d be well into some impeachment stuff by now with HRC in office), eventually they would solidify their lock on power.

Meanwhile they would find a charismatic presidential candidate to take over in 2020. Then we’d be truly fucked. Instead we are temporarily but very fucked, and the GOP has poured itself a giant cup of hemlock to drink.

This lunacy won’t end for awhile yet, but there is a fair chance of the Rs losing the majority in the house this fall. That will send Trump into paroxysms of inanity, of course. Which will help enormously with all the other races over the next 2 years.

I just desperately hope the Ds find something to run on that isn’t just ‘not those maniacs’.

They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
Are my methods unsound?
I don’t see any method at all, sir.

Could be talking about the prez.


No, fuck every last hertz of this noise. He is wrecking the world. In real time. Right now.


I did figure this out but i never thought to set it on fire, thankfully (i was a notorious pyro as a kid). I just used the dissolved substance as a MacGuyvered kludged together way to make an adhesive. Didn’t really use it much which is also a good thing i suppose.

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Seriously though; how the fuck does anyone not get that???


My father was in the Navy 30 years and served in Vietnam. Dad was a sailor, a boatswain mate, but thru a series of bizarre mix-ups with a medical corp guy with same name, Dad got sent deep into the jungle with a Marine platoon. I heard him tell the story a few times, wish to GOD id written it down or recorded it. He turned what mustve been horrifying into a truly funny surreal tale.

Dad died of cancer caused by Agent Orange. His death certificate even says Agent Orange.

I wish my dad had been in that room with President Trump. Senile or stupid or just a jerk i GUARANTEE he wouldnt have argued with my father. Lord, i wish. This will be a fantasy i build up for a long time to come. Dad, i miss ya.


Welcome to the future, time traveler from 2016!

I’m afraid we have some bad news.