Originally published at: Trump-picked candidate blames GOP "cowards" for his miserable failure | Boing Boing
Obviously, the solution is for him and the other worshippers of the orange hog to break away from the GOP and form their own MAGA Party where they can be their bigoted, violent, hateful selves.
I would fully support their doing this ASAP.
I would applaud this course of action by the MAGA Faithful and would be willing to provide all assistance this side of actual help.
Geez, the “Let them fight” gif is sure getting a lot of work this week, isn’t it…
Here’s a heartfelt DailyKos ‘open letter’ to all the faithful MAGA devotees (including any “trump picked candidates”, of course) to stay the course! stick tight to your fearless leader! if necessary form a separate party from those lame traditional republicans… etc:
Dear MAGA America: Please cling to your one true leader "… Now get out there and stomp Ron DeSantis in the balls. For Trump… "
("Divide et impera” (divide [the enemy] and [you’ll] rule) --Julius Cesar)
Such gracious and eloquent examples of leadership from those “Great Americans”. /s
Maybe they can call it the Stolen Valor Party…
“McLeadership,” eh?
Suggests that the MAGA folk would be more than willing to sneak into certain GOP members’ houses with hammers.
Factio Republicana delanda est
Gosh, a magat complaining about being stabbed in the back by november criminals. I didn’t see that one coming.
“The Republican Party is a bigger loser than trump himself” seems the right way for this guy to package his failure.
Let the GQP circular firing squad commence.
Revealing his “classified” excursion ino Afghanistan surely wasn’t Trump’s fault; If he actually went to Afghanistan anyway. Someone who cannot keep military secrets hardly belongs in Congress.
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