Trump has already changed everything

Trump hasn’t changed much of anything, other than what he claims his poorly thought out opinions to be. The guy is a regressive anal-expulsive troll. He has demonstrated the fissures present in an illusory two-party system, but those were already present and perhaps not a surprise to many.


I don’t think either line is accurate. The "L"s should be right of the center, and the "R"s should all be quite a bit further right from there…at least triple the distance from the "L"s that they are now.


How many times have we heard that? WHY do people keep insisting that government should be run like a for-profit business?

Of course, we don’t actually know if that might work, since all we’ve gotten so far have been failed businessmen who only have money because their family gave it to them, along with all the connections. And even then, they’ve still managed to make a pathetic mess of most businesses they get involved with.

(edited to make it clear that @Medievalist was only the vehicle for the quote to appear in this thread)


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No more visas for Americans, then?


You must not have a lot of these sorts of people in your work and personal life. Believe me, you get to the point of mental exhaustion. I don’t want to waste any more of my time and energy trying desperately to find some smidgen of decency in people who promote hate and fear and lies. They’re not worth it.


Regardless of how much of a disaster a President Trump would be, I doubt a Republican Congress would move to impeach him at all, let alone 18 months into term. I mean. GWB presided over the largest terrorist attack on American soil 20 months into his presidency and there was no accountability demanded then. The mind recoils when considering just what it would take to make the Republicans impeach a nominally Republican president. Now, Clinton… she’d almost certainly be impeached by the end of her first term if the Republicans maintain control of Congress (which is still very likely, even if Clinton is elected president).


On the one hand, they would be massively racist, but on the other, they’ll be more easy to marginalise once you have them separate from the ordinary conservatives of the GOP.[quote=“RatMan, post:22, topic:75976”]
And the clever people who analyze and interpret the polls (Nate Silver, I’m looking at you) are getting the results consistently wrong.

We went through that in India for the last few election cycles - state and central. Somehow, the old equations of victory have changed drastically and all the pre-election polls were getting things wrong. There was one group that did a fantastic job for two elections (they were the outlier by far in both of those though) but soon enough, the Bihar elections changed that - then, nobody got it right.

Basically, when you have an emergent three or four party race within a two party system (which is what the race is right now in the US even if not officially), it’s all a toss-up.


Are you sure that’s what he said? Because I thought I heard “muslin ban,” and assumed when I was polled that he was expressing an opinion on this genuinely dangerous fabric:


Public, worn on the sleeve racism, may be uglier, but it may have a better chance of getting discussed and addressed.

I’m feeling optimistic this morning

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Really doubting that those she’s beholden to would allow either one of those choices.


Even less likely that either would do it even if she asked them. Which she won’t.


Right? I’ve already learned time and again that fevered Trumpeters are not suddenly going to start listening to reason.


Please deposit in our reverse racism thread, if you have not already done so:


I might write in Biden if I cant have Sanders.

You’re right!

You win.

Enjoy your Muslim ban.

@jerwin, @chgoliz, I would appreciate it if you would edit your posts to remove my 'nym from the attribution. If you look at the post you quoted you can find the correct attribution.
I think good business is subordinate to good government and I plan to vote for Jill Stein in the general. I’d rather not be associated with radical corporatism!


Why oh why are you such a Bush Trump lover??
