Trump has already changed everything

…but that’s a stupid idea, too!


It’s the WORST. And it has popular support. And momentum.

A travel ban from countries is legal, and what you do when it’s dangerous to your country to let people in.

But if we wanted to REALLY ban terrorism, it wouldnt be by banning travel. It would be by banning reporting.

Terrorists make scary news. They are such interesting stories the media LOVES them.

Everyone watches. Advertising dollars.

I say… If you speak about terrorism in this country, you may not make money from it.

It aids and supports terrorists to give them free publicity.

Ban that… You defang terrorists.


You’re right: I understood you were merely quoting but that wasn’t clear in my response, so I’ve changed it.

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I don’t agree that’s ALL one needs to do, but I totally agree that terrorists and violent criminals in general should be referred to in the media as “those idiots” with no photos provided. Names, photos, and hero-worshipping coverage in general should be reserved for the victims only.

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Well. Americans are roughly 18000% more effective at killing Americans than the terrorists are. And poverty kills more Americans than anything else does.

But the news can make death by terrorist sound way the fuck worse than it is.

I’d rather get blown up then die due to lack of access to medical care for an easily treatable thing.

I’d rather die quick then half-starve till illness and exposure take my life and they sell my body to a company that makes $30,000 in profit off my corpse.

We could ban stairs and save more lives… All I’m saying.

And it would be cheaper to replace all the stairs with elevators paid for by tax dollars then to fight a war against terrorists.


I did say “violent criminals” too. I agree that they kill significantly more than terrorists do, in the U.S.

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These aren’t violent criminals killing eachother.

These are average Americans solving disputes. Domestic. Socially.

They only become violent criminals when they are convicted of a crime.

I saw a gun come out because of a dispute between two white guys over who got a parking spot.

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That explains that Golden Fleece.

What spectrum even includes Der Donald? It’s like going ‘Sartre, Rosseau J.P., Pipkin, Robespierre Ma., This Guy.’ Can we have a nice short Fox series where it’s made clear whether HRC’s Wierding Voice (occasionally drinking from HRC-sponsored rhetoric,) Dr. Bob Dobbs, or Don is the true FCG crystallographer / lapidist of the American Will? Can it be MSG abuse tropes or DCS sidelining this time?

Something good should happen to Don (to make the story arc tolerable,) but I don’t want to be the one making Ayahuasca out of Atlantic City for that to come around. Well, a little, but it’s not suited to my patience. We need that Muslimgauze Band!

Stadium Elevator Seating is going to be awesome.

Thank you! Thanks to @jerwin too!

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I guess I was using the term “criminal” to refer to the activity itself, rather than only including those who have been formally charged and convicted of the crime. Let’s face it: the violent ones are a lot LESS likely to be charged and end up in prison, as opposed to those oh-so-dangerous drug users and petty thieves.

A lot of the conservative, reactionary rhetoric seems based on the idea that “other people” are criminals, and the actions of “our kind of people” cannot and should not be thought of as crimes.


BUT, choosing warren would definitely keep sanders supporters, and would thus ensure her win. it would unite both sides of the democratic ticket.

To her credit, I doubt Warren would agree to being on Hillary’s ticket.


I suspect Clinton thinks she’s already the leftist person on the ticket and will go right for her veep choice. Assuming she’s the candidate.


Palin it is!


Never go full r…ight.


maybe. maybe not. it would definitely be interesting to see her take on it if she was actually offered.

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Nine months. GWB was sworn into office Jan. 20, 2001. Also, Democrats had no control in Congress. What crime would his own party have impeached him for? Being President at the wrong time?

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